Tuesday, April 27, 2010

born free.

First, a warning that the following video contains scenes of graphic violence which may not be suitable for all viewers. And now, my opinion...

M.I.A. is awesome. So many people are apparently up in arms about her new music video Born Free because military police officers wearing American flag badges on their shoulders raid an unidentified city (skyline makes it look like L.A.) and round up roughly a dozen red-headed young men, delivering a severe beating to anyone that stands in their way, then the officers turn their weapons on the boys.

You never see the violence, and the 2 blood scenes are more special effects/movie magic than actual gore, but it perfectly demonstrates what happens when militant groups raid cities / homes / families. But that only ever happens in developing, disease ridden nations, right? No one should care about it, right? That is, until it happens to white Americans.

Sorry, everybody. Sure, you may be offended because it's "graphic" but you're more upset because it puts a white American face on it, rather than a third world nobody. It changes the setting from "far away" to home.

So to Maya -- I thank you. It's like you're the only one with the balls to put out there what actually happens during wars. What actually happens during raids and invasions. And what is actually happening out there, right now.

M.I.A, Born Free from ROMAIN-GAVRAS on Vimeo.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Good grief, academia. Can we just end it now already?!!?

Our relationship has lasted for 5 years, and sure, we've had some rough times and some amazing times, but I think we've both gotten everything we can out of each other... Perhaps it's time we went our separate ways and met new people?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

it ends tonight.

It's been countless months yet my memory still drifts to those 10 days in July.

I can't wait to see it again.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

feeling the night.

I have no desire to finish any of my academic papers.

Screw this degree. I want to sleep.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010


9 days left until I finish classes.

The only things separating me from finishing my degree are 9 days, 2 papers, 1 project, 1 presentation and 2 exams.

When you say it like that it still sounds like a lot...

Monday, April 05, 2010

wavin' flag.

So. Bloody. Tired.

I need a vacation.