Saturday, September 29, 2007

how far we've come.

So in exactly 2 weeks, less 1 day, it'll be my birthday. I'm finally leaving my teen years behind and venturing into the world of the twenties. They called that decade the roaring twenties. I highly doubt those years will be roaring for me. Although you know what they say, "in like a lamb, out like a lion."
I feel completely indifferent. I'm not excited. I'm not anxious. I'm not anything. I know I'm going to be slightly depressed about turning 20, but it's far less to do with the age than the circumstances in which I find myself in at the time. Although, truthfully, I don't think I should be depressed about it. Being complete honest, my birthdays have always been somewhat of a disappointment. I can only think of a few birthdays I was actually excited for. Last year was one of them, and I think it was more so because I was finally able to do stuff I hadn't been able to do before. Go to bars, get to see decent bands play, go to trivia, etc. The perks are what I looked forward to, not the actual day commemorating my birth.
So yes, my birthday is coming up, and it looks like it'll fall into the same category the vast majority of my birthdays have fallen into. I really shouldn't be terribly surprised.
Countdown, countdown, countdown to the disappointment....*
*For reference, I used the same line to describe waiting for the 19th birthday. I guess I have a history of not looking forward to my birthdays...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

no cars go.

"I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects."
-Oscar Wilde

Maybe it's because I'm vain and narcissistic but I really like the first part of the quote.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

weighty ghost.

This Postsecret saddens me greatly.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


As I sit here, I can't help but think, notice and observe that....

I have terrible posture.
I've never owned a single pet.
I plan on owning a mixed Labrador and Shar Pei dog named Satchel.
I would like to own 2 fish, named emo and indie.
My favourite kind of soup is Italian Wedding soup.
My favourite animal is the Platypus.
My second favourite animal is the Polar Bear.
If I were in Harry Potter, I think my patronus would be a bear.
I'm not as well read as I pretend to be.
I think it would be cool to be left handed.
I'll consider myself successful when I can shop at Banana Republic and stop by Starbucks every morning.
I spend too much time on Wikipedia.
I'm a night hawk.
I'm a chronic procrastinator.
I prefer orange juice over apple juice.
I install computer software I never use (I.E. Photoshop, PowerPoint, etc.)
I want my first car to be a VW and then finally one day own a BMW a.k.a. a Beamer
I long to have stereotypical holidays for Christmas and Thanksgiving.
I love big houses, but I would like to have a cabin in the woods overlooking a river one day.
I would like to think I trust where other people wouldn't and give out second chances, I don't think I do though.
I'm a giant product of consumerism and pop culture, and I won't pretend to deny it.

That's pretty much me in a nutshell...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Sunday, September 09, 2007

be good.

I think that, after 177 spins, I'm kind of getting sick of "Gimme More." I still love it, but now I get a little nauseous every time I hear the opening line "It's Britney, bitch."
Oi vey.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

nolita fairytale.

Huzzah, new iPods!

My break down:

The shuffle is unchanged, so my opinion is pretty much the same. I don't understand why they would make a big hoopla about making one in orange, just to discontinue it with the next revision. I do like the purple one though.

The nano is... different. I was hoping those mockups were going to be a whole new iPod line and not the nano. It's form factor looks decent in the Apple promo shots, but I guess I'll have to reserve my judgement until I hold one in my hands. I don't really like the whole "two face" thing it's got going on with it's GUI though. I do like the green and blue colours though.

The classic is fantastic. Thinner, better battery life and more storage than previous iPods, plus aluminum casing? Very nice.

The touch... eh. I don't really like it. Not going to lie. Not enough storage for the price, plus I just don't like it.

I wouldn't mind getting a purple shuffle and the new iPod classic.

Monday, September 03, 2007

the heinrich maneuver.

And that, ladies and germs, was the fastest climb to a play count of over one hundred that I've ever had. It takes quite a lot for a song to become the 3rd most played song on my iTunes - third only to Girlfriend and Hips Don't Lie.

On a side note, clearly I need to get friends and gain some kind of semblance of a life if the last 3 blog posts I've written have all been about Britney Spears. Sigh.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

cold as fire.

So in the 24 hours since Britney's comeback single made it's way onto the internet and subsequently onto my iTunes, I've listened to it a massive 61 times. In less than 24 hours. Wow. I think that's the most I've ever listened to a song all at once, even topping out Girlfriend and Hips Don't Lie, which have been played (according to iTunes) 222 and 295 times, respectively.

From what I've gathered on the internets, MTV played it for who said it was fantastic. The reviews are overwhelmingly positive. On the radio station it premiered on last night in New York, it went to #1 on their daily countdown by noon the following day. It's already the 78th most played song of the week on US radio after less than 24 hours. ZING! I think we have a hit and return to form. Huzzah!