I feel completely indifferent. I'm not excited. I'm not anxious. I'm not anything. I know I'm going to be slightly depressed about turning 20, but it's far less to do with the age than the circumstances in which I find myself in at the time. Although, truthfully, I don't think I should be depressed about it. Being complete honest, my birthdays have always been somewhat of a disappointment. I can only think of a few birthdays I was actually excited for. Last year was one of them, and I think it was more so because I was finally able to do stuff I hadn't been able to do before. Go to bars, get to see decent bands play, go to trivia, etc. The perks are what I looked forward to, not the actual day commemorating my birth.
So yes, my birthday is coming up, and it looks like it'll fall into the same category the vast majority of my birthdays have fallen into. I really shouldn't be terribly surprised.
Countdown, countdown, countdown to the disappointment....*
*For reference, I used the same line to describe waiting for the 19th birthday. I guess I have a history of not looking forward to my birthdays...