Saturday, September 27, 2008


The new Britney track came out yesterday, and the first ever Apple Store in Calgary opens up today.
I'm in heaven.

EDIT// They showed me on the news waiting to get inside the Apple store. Score! I'm practically famous now.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

in the ayer.

I need a haircut.

Unfortunately, Brandy is on maternity leave, which means I'll be without a hairdresser for about a year or so while she pops out this kid and then takes care of them. Grrrrrr. I need a haircut now!!!! How could she be so selfish.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

love lockdown.

Ah, it's been a week since my last post so I thought I'd tell everyone I'm still alive.

I'd like to visit a ton of places, but I think I'd maybe like to move to San Francisco. Even if just for the ability to attend MWSF and the Apple Expo every year. Hmmmmm. I love New York, and I love Cali, but I have no real desire to spend more than a visit in LA, and San Fran strikes me as NYC in a West Coast disguise.

On a side note, I was asked at work if I'd like to become full-time management for next summer once I'm out of school.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008



-December 2nd (aka her 27th birthday!)
-First track is called "Womanizer" and comes out in ONE WEEK!

Monday, September 15, 2008

that's not my name.

Congratulations, Professor Walter Glannon.
You have managed to make one of the most interesting subjects (Biomedical Ethics) the dullest class I've ever been in. Somebody save me from the bore!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

the night starts here.

I just realized that it's less than a month until my birthday. As of the 12th of October, 2008, I'll finally be able to go to the states and fully enjoy it. New York, here I come!

On a side note, I have a feeling this is the birthday that'll fly under the radar for me. If I haven't started a countdown at the one month point, I probably won't at all. I will state this however - I had a bit of a mental breakdown when I turned 20, but for some reason a lot of people tend to think that I'm around 23-24, so whenever they ask how old I am, and I reply "20" they always seemed surprise, and I get a slight chuckle out of throwing them for a loop.

Friday, September 12, 2008

american boy.

Mmmmmm, 2.1....

How delicious.

Insert LOLcat language here: I can haz firmware?

Sunday, September 07, 2008


There are only 2 artists that have done more for MTV than Britney Spears - Michael Jackson, and Madonna. With that said, it's about damn time my girl won something from them. Wooooo!

Saturday, September 06, 2008

14 forever.

They played Elevator Love Letter and for the encore, Take Me to the Riot. Those are my two favourite tracks by Stars, therefore, I can now die happy. That concert was so unbelievable. Gah, I'm stunned.

Thursday, September 04, 2008


So, a few of the things I'm loving at the moment include...

+U of C 101 - it reminds me of some of the best things I loved about PEI.
+The sweet people I've met due to the aforementioned U of C 101.
+The new Stars EP "Sad Robots"

Hahahaha. I'm so completely stoked for the concert tomorrow! Yay!