An open letter to Lady Gaga,
What happened to you?? Clearly you're no longer the girl who drinks too much wine and just wants to dance. That's cool. For a while I thought you represented the second coming of aestheticism, and I couldn't have been more thrilled. Your music was fresh and inspired, your outfits completely useless (and therein, beautiful), and your personality had a cloud of mystery over it. Your art spoke for itself and you made it simply for the sake of creating your art. The fact that you stated your music was inspired by fashion was an honest statement and more reason to think that you created beautiful art for the sake of it being useless and beautiful. It had no strings attached and showcased fashion, art and the avant garde. However, in recent months you have taken it to the extreme and have successfully moved from aestheticism to that of decadence - represented by decay and over indulgence. Your art is no longer beautiful for it has become too dark. Too over the top. Too contrived. Not everything you do has to "top" the last thing you did - there is something to be said about frivolity and sugar coated sweet candy. You hit your stride somewhere between Paparazzi and Bad Romance. But, it was all downhill after that. Move past the shadow of over indulgent self decay and step back in to the light of art. Please.
As for Alejandro?? You're not Madonna. Stop trying.