Since I never really give an update on my life, I thought I'd try it.
School is going pretty good. Or, as good as one can expect with me. I'm such a hardcore procrastinator, and you all know it's true since I'm writing this instead of writing my Intro to lit. paper. I haven't been doing as well in school this term as I would like. Well, that's not completely true. I wrote 3 midterms 2 weeks ago and so far I've only gotten two back. 72% and 74%. But on the plus side, I think I did really well (as in 80+) on my Intro. to dramatic lit. midterm, and I got the highest in my Advanced Theatre class midterm-replacement assignment. Plus, I'm doing decent enough in my Intro to lit. class (although I really need to write that paper!). All in all, I think I'm doing decent enough, but I would be doing a lot better if I got off my lazy ass and did some actual work.
Reading week was 2 weeks ago. It was alright I guess. I didn't really get to sleep much since I had to work mornings (the girl who normally does them was in Ottawa so I told her I could do it for her). I didn't even see much of a difference in my paycheck which sucked, but oh well. I did have fun though. I got to hang out with a lot of people like Stephanie and Shawnté; plus I got Heather hooked on Grey's Anatomy. It was a nice break overall (except for that lack of sleep part). Work has been much better lately though. We got rid of two of the major "problem kids" and it's made all the difference. And then this past weekend was incredible. The ECMA's were held here so you know I had to hit up everything that came to town. It was a great weekend, a little sketchy at times but great none the less. The sketchyness was pretty much cancelled out though by Grey's Anatomy, haha.
My play on the other hand is sketchy at all times. Bad directorial vision. Bad set. Bad publicity. Bad everything. Not to mention that the other day at rehearsal I jumped down from the platform, which is about 2 feet off the ground, and then collapsed. My knees just gave way for some reason and it can go down as one of the most painful experiences of my life. I don't know what happened, but I think my calcium deficiency plays an important role in it. I made a doctors appointment for Monday a while ago so I'll ask him about it then. What really scares me is that they still hurt. When I woke up this morning I could barely bend them and standing up really hurt from all the pressure I was putting on them. I've been taking Advil, Tylenol and Motrin all day for the pain.
Moving to Calgary is starting to implode magnificently upon itself. It came as a big shock to me, and I'm still not really sure what I think. I could still be moving, but I could wind up staying here. It's all up in the air right now and very undecided. I'm not really sure what to feel. I suppose I could go either way, in favor for moving, or for staying. No matter what though I'm still moving to Toronto as soon as I graduate from school and setting my plan in motion.
I think I'll end here. I'll try and provide "real" updates more often. Oh, but before I go I thought I'd mention 3 things. The first is that I bought a digital camera on Monday; I've now officially become a camera whore. The second is that I'm not disappointed with Apple's announcements today (unlike some people), but I think the iPod Hi-Fi should be priced at $299 USD instead. The high price tag doesn't stop me from wanting one though, haha. And thirdly, I thought I'd post the txt messages exchanged between myself and my friend Derek today. I thought they were hysterical, but I'll let you be the judge.
Me: Hey derek, get some talent you hack.
Derek: Hey rene the talent police called your wanted for questioning.
Derek: Hey rene striped sweaters were so 1998.
Me: Hey derek, the jerk store called, they're running out of you.
Derek: Hey rene the crap store called they were wondering if you are coming later.
Me: Hey derek, the zoo called. The ape wants his ass (which you've been using for a face) back.
Derek: Hey rene tignish called they were wondering when u r coming home.