Why is my life a giant piece of ass? I'm sick of it. I'm this close to dropping out of school, selling off all but a few material possesions, and taking off for some place where I can start anew. Some place where my life isn't the giant piece of ass it has become.
You know how everybody knows someone who is down on their luck and always fighting an uphill battle? Well, for all of you who know me, I'm that guy. Thanks for coming out and showing your support.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
i think that she knows.
So... I feel like I've been neglecting this thing. Which is not good.
So, big news of the moment? Well, among other things I'M MOVING! Come this Sunday my new home will be 27 Beer Street, which is a very nice location. 5 min walking to school which means I get to save a ton of gas, plus it puts me right in the centre of all the action when people are home, and throughout the rest of the year. I'll be living with 4 other people, of which I'm friends with 1 and I've met the other 3 and we got along fine, so it'll be good. It's such a sweet place. For the same rent I'm paying now I get a semi-private bathroom, a larger room, satellite, wireless, long distance, the whole shebang. I'm excited.
Aside from that, I had a semi break down the other day. I got 64% on one of my Essays and it made me realize something. I'm academically unhappy at the moment. I've felt like this for a while now - completely indifferent to school. I think it's because my English, Biology and Theatre degree was messed up. I'm dropping the Bio aspect and redirecting my Theatre classes to English. I think I really want to do Sociology. I'm unsure if I should change my major and drop English to a minor (which I wouldn't mind doing), or if I should keep Enlgish as my major and do Soc as a minor. I'm unsure what I have left to do for an English minor, but we'll see. I have to talk to the prof of one of the Soc 102 classes next semester to see if I can get permission to do 102 2nd semester, and then some how come up with the money to pay for Soc 101 in the summer term.... Yeah, speaking of money, it would be such a weight off my shoulders if I had any. Why can't I win the lottery? Not even the jackpot, but just like 20 bucks? Even that would help me exponentially, and I hate asking my mom for money, humbug.
This past little while has been busy. Wintersleep last Thursday were phenomenal, k-os was a bust (he left after 40 minutes because he "wasn't feeling it" - ass). Then this week has been my first trivia at the Wave (we lost, shucks), then the Shinerama Love Tour last night along with the party that ended before Diana, Whitney and I got there. Tonight holds the Haunted House, and possibily 2 parties and the Jamestown Stronghold, but then I may just stay in, I haven't decided. Tomorrow is Halloween Pub, along with the decision of attending either Whitney's, Derek's or Virginia's party (chances are I'll go to the first two for like half an hour and then spend the rest of the time at V's.) Then Sunday is the big move. Ugh. Oh well, a busy schedule is better than an empty one.
So, big news of the moment? Well, among other things I'M MOVING! Come this Sunday my new home will be 27 Beer Street, which is a very nice location. 5 min walking to school which means I get to save a ton of gas, plus it puts me right in the centre of all the action when people are home, and throughout the rest of the year. I'll be living with 4 other people, of which I'm friends with 1 and I've met the other 3 and we got along fine, so it'll be good. It's such a sweet place. For the same rent I'm paying now I get a semi-private bathroom, a larger room, satellite, wireless, long distance, the whole shebang. I'm excited.
Aside from that, I had a semi break down the other day. I got 64% on one of my Essays and it made me realize something. I'm academically unhappy at the moment. I've felt like this for a while now - completely indifferent to school. I think it's because my English, Biology and Theatre degree was messed up. I'm dropping the Bio aspect and redirecting my Theatre classes to English. I think I really want to do Sociology. I'm unsure if I should change my major and drop English to a minor (which I wouldn't mind doing), or if I should keep Enlgish as my major and do Soc as a minor. I'm unsure what I have left to do for an English minor, but we'll see. I have to talk to the prof of one of the Soc 102 classes next semester to see if I can get permission to do 102 2nd semester, and then some how come up with the money to pay for Soc 101 in the summer term.... Yeah, speaking of money, it would be such a weight off my shoulders if I had any. Why can't I win the lottery? Not even the jackpot, but just like 20 bucks? Even that would help me exponentially, and I hate asking my mom for money, humbug.
This past little while has been busy. Wintersleep last Thursday were phenomenal, k-os was a bust (he left after 40 minutes because he "wasn't feeling it" - ass). Then this week has been my first trivia at the Wave (we lost, shucks), then the Shinerama Love Tour last night along with the party that ended before Diana, Whitney and I got there. Tonight holds the Haunted House, and possibily 2 parties and the Jamestown Stronghold, but then I may just stay in, I haven't decided. Tomorrow is Halloween Pub, along with the decision of attending either Whitney's, Derek's or Virginia's party (chances are I'll go to the first two for like half an hour and then spend the rest of the time at V's.) Then Sunday is the big move. Ugh. Oh well, a busy schedule is better than an empty one.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
lola stars and stripes.
For some reason, this one is tearing me up on the inside, and I don't know why.

Ps, this text message made my entire year: "When i watch grey's anatomy, i feel like i know mer, george, cristina and izzy. I wish they were real." And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I love the show. And why converting people has become my new past time hobby.

Ps, this text message made my entire year: "When i watch grey's anatomy, i feel like i know mer, george, cristina and izzy. I wish they were real." And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I love the show. And why converting people has become my new past time hobby.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
gender bombs.
I feel like Will Smith, circa Fresh Prince of Bel Air. My world just got flipped turned upside down.
I think I make too many cheesy/corny/stupid/mainstream joke references. I should stop.
I think I make too many cheesy/corny/stupid/mainstream joke references. I should stop.
Monday, October 16, 2006
just a lil' bit.
So..... the party happened and I know some of you are dying to hear how it went.
Oh boy. It was quite the gong show. It wouldn't surprise me if there was about 90 people there. It was pretty difficult to move at points. These super sketchy punks showed up. And then these young'ns showed up. Young'ns no one knew. Punks no one knew. Sweet. There was a fight between this 16 year old punk (who's coincidentally a father) and some other punk (actual punks too, like metal chains and the whole 9 yards - Bruce Willis style). Myself, Derek, Diana, Colin, Adam Gauthier and Ryan Gallant all put our heads together trying to figure out how to get rid of people. We decided to tell people there was a noise complaint. There wasn't. Shhh, keep it on the low, haha. By 1:20 the house was clean and the undesirables out. It was quite the time, but ironically enough, everyone who was there that wasn't one of us mentioned above, said it was a great party and that they really enjoyed it. Go figure. It was fun while it lasted though. I'd give it a solid 70 out of 100. I do think I got a little invite-happy though. Told just a few too many people who in turn told a lot of other people. Word of mouth is not something to toy around with. Next time will be be very VIP.
I bought the new k-os album today. At ten bucks it was quite the steal. I haven't listened to it yet outside of the two singles. It'll get me pumped for this Friday though. He's playing at the Wave, and guess who's going to go see him? Muahahaha. Oh, and Wintersleep are playing at Hunter's this Thursday so that should be a good time, too.
I have a midterm tomorrow, bah. First I have to pass in a response for Shakespeare 255 and then write the midterm. After that I work, and then it's my Bio lab. I think we have a quiz in the lab but I'm not sure. I'll review last week's lab just in case.
Last night I was thinking about changing my major to Psychology and changing my minor to Sociology. It made sense at the time, but now I don't know. I'm not even sure I know what I want to study, let alone do with my life. However, I don't think dropping out of school for any undetermined length of time is much of an option. Humbug.
I have to go to Aldo at some point during the week, buy my pair of $15 Man-Ugg boots and complain to the manager. Oi.
Oh boy. It was quite the gong show. It wouldn't surprise me if there was about 90 people there. It was pretty difficult to move at points. These super sketchy punks showed up. And then these young'ns showed up. Young'ns no one knew. Punks no one knew. Sweet. There was a fight between this 16 year old punk (who's coincidentally a father) and some other punk (actual punks too, like metal chains and the whole 9 yards - Bruce Willis style). Myself, Derek, Diana, Colin, Adam Gauthier and Ryan Gallant all put our heads together trying to figure out how to get rid of people. We decided to tell people there was a noise complaint. There wasn't. Shhh, keep it on the low, haha. By 1:20 the house was clean and the undesirables out. It was quite the time, but ironically enough, everyone who was there that wasn't one of us mentioned above, said it was a great party and that they really enjoyed it. Go figure. It was fun while it lasted though. I'd give it a solid 70 out of 100. I do think I got a little invite-happy though. Told just a few too many people who in turn told a lot of other people. Word of mouth is not something to toy around with. Next time will be be very VIP.
I bought the new k-os album today. At ten bucks it was quite the steal. I haven't listened to it yet outside of the two singles. It'll get me pumped for this Friday though. He's playing at the Wave, and guess who's going to go see him? Muahahaha. Oh, and Wintersleep are playing at Hunter's this Thursday so that should be a good time, too.
I have a midterm tomorrow, bah. First I have to pass in a response for Shakespeare 255 and then write the midterm. After that I work, and then it's my Bio lab. I think we have a quiz in the lab but I'm not sure. I'll review last week's lab just in case.
Last night I was thinking about changing my major to Psychology and changing my minor to Sociology. It made sense at the time, but now I don't know. I'm not even sure I know what I want to study, let alone do with my life. However, I don't think dropping out of school for any undetermined length of time is much of an option. Humbug.
I have to go to Aldo at some point during the week, buy my pair of $15 Man-Ugg boots and complain to the manager. Oi.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
all good things (come to an end).
It's officially my BIRTHDAY. Let's here it for being 19 :D
Only 1 more year of teenage-dom left. Ack. I can already feel that my 20th will involve me having some sort of mini break down. But for now, I'm still a teenager and am now 19 BIYATCH!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOT!
Only 1 more year of teenage-dom left. Ack. I can already feel that my 20th will involve me having some sort of mini break down. But for now, I'm still a teenager and am now 19 BIYATCH!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOT!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
oops!...i did it again.
So I had a dream that I met Fergie and talked to her, but that doesn't matter because later on in the same dream I met Britney. We ran into each other at some clothing store, and I helped her pack for a Mardi Gras celebration (wtf?). After that we went out for lunch and ate fast food fajitas. Because we all know how much that girl loves the greasy food. I remember being so completely stoked that I was talking and hanging out with Britney that I tried to text people, but for some reason my phone didn't work. Anyway, I woke up and realized that my phone was in my hands, which leads me to believe I actually tried sending text messages. Good thing it didn't work or else everybody would have gotten one saying I had met Britney, when in fact I hadn't. Sigh. You know you need a life when you have a dream about Britney and then decide to blog about it.
Friday, October 06, 2006
talk with me, dance with me.
My room is a mess! I swear, there are better organized prisons out there. I need to do something about this disaster zone. And I need to become more studious, like tenfold. Ugh. So many things to do, so little time. Somebody save me? Oh well, friends being home, a long weekend, sci-fi orgies, and my birthday are bright spots. Screw my messy room, my bad marks, and my pending English 201 paper that's due on Tuesday, I'm going to be happy. Still, somebody please save me.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
set fire to the third bar.
Wow. Seven whole days. I know I always get excited for my birthdays, but this one takes the cake.
Countdown, countdown, countdown to the disappointment...
Countdown, countdown, countdown to the disappointment...
Monday, October 02, 2006
ring the alarm.
So I've decided to drop my physics class. Something about getting 4.5/15 on the assignment didn't sit well. Plus we have a midterm coming up and I really don't think I could have pulled it off. I'm keeping my book though. I find it completely and utterly fascinating. Funny enough, the 4.5 came from the theory questions, the lack of 10.5 points came from the math questions. I think that kind of shows that I have no brain power for numbers, but that I really do enjoy the concepts behind the class. In any event, I'll also be dropping Physics 252 next semester and replacing it with something else. I was thinking about Spanish 101, is that wrong? Would it be unfair to everyone else in the class? What would the school do? Would they even let me take it?
Sunday, October 01, 2006
all'improvviso amore.
You know what? Based solely on a year ago, I've changed quite a bit. Based on a few years ago I've changed dramatically. It's one thing to have people tell you "you've changed" but it's another to be able to notice it yourself. Is this growing up? Is this maturing? Is it just natural evolution of a person's character? Whatever it is, I think I like it.
Whatever happened to the good ole shoutboxes that used to litter our blogs? I brought SexyBack, therefore it's only logical that I bring the shoutbox back. Who's with me?
Whatever happened to the good ole shoutboxes that used to litter our blogs? I brought SexyBack, therefore it's only logical that I bring the shoutbox back. Who's with me?
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