So... I feel like I've been neglecting this thing. Which is not good.
So, big news of the moment? Well, among other things I'M MOVING! Come this Sunday my new home will be 27 Beer Street, which is a very nice location. 5 min walking to school which means I get to save a ton of gas, plus it puts me right in the centre of all the action when people are home, and throughout the rest of the year. I'll be living with 4 other people, of which I'm friends with 1 and I've met the other 3 and we got along fine, so it'll be good. It's such a sweet place. For the same rent I'm paying now I get a semi-private bathroom, a larger room, satellite, wireless, long distance, the whole shebang. I'm excited.
Aside from that, I had a semi break down the other day. I got 64% on one of my Essays and it made me realize something. I'm academically unhappy at the moment. I've felt like this for a while now - completely indifferent to school. I think it's because my English, Biology and Theatre degree was messed up. I'm dropping the Bio aspect and redirecting my Theatre classes to English. I think I really want to do Sociology. I'm unsure if I should change my major and drop English to a minor (which I wouldn't mind doing), or if I should keep Enlgish as my major and do Soc as a minor. I'm unsure what I have left to do for an English minor, but we'll see. I have to talk to the prof of one of the Soc 102 classes next semester to see if I can get permission to do 102 2nd semester, and then some how come up with the money to pay for Soc 101 in the summer term.... Yeah, speaking of money, it would be such a weight off my shoulders if I had any. Why can't I win the lottery? Not even the jackpot, but just like 20 bucks? Even that would help me exponentially, and I hate asking my mom for money, humbug.
This past little while has been busy. Wintersleep last Thursday were phenomenal, k-os was a bust (he left after 40 minutes because he "wasn't feeling it" - ass). Then this week has been my first trivia at the Wave (we lost, shucks), then the Shinerama Love Tour last night along with the party that ended before Diana, Whitney and I got there. Tonight holds the Haunted House, and possibily 2 parties and the Jamestown Stronghold, but then I may just stay in, I haven't decided. Tomorrow is Halloween Pub, along with the decision of attending either Whitney's, Derek's or Virginia's party (chances are I'll go to the first two for like half an hour and then spend the rest of the time at V's.) Then Sunday is the big move. Ugh. Oh well, a busy schedule is better than an empty one.