It made me happy, sad and very tired all at the same time.
24 hours was nice, but not long enough.
I desperately want this semester to be over.
I'm doing so poor in school. If I pull a 70 average I think it'll be amazing. Sadly, 70 may be stretching it. I need to work my ass off. The unfortunate thing is that I have no drive or desire to work my ass off. I have no desire to do much of anything right now.
Next semester offers so much promise. I think I will get off my ass and try. And be motivated.
I need to go to the library more often and do work. Not waged work, but academic school-related work. Maybe being there will motivate me.
I need a break - a break where I can sleep. And eat. And veg out. And relax. And enjoy the company of others. And do nothing. Nothing. Except sleep.
I need to win the lottery. What are the odds I can come up with an elaborate scheme to rig the next draw so I win the jackpot?
School for Scandal is OK at best. Aside from feeling like I honestly suck. Everyone else is great and talented and I'm like "Yep. I suck. Go me." We've had decent crowds so that's a bonus.
And once more, it's PostSecret for the win...