Saturday, December 30, 2006
basement apartment.
Christmas is over. I enjoyed it. I guess. It didn't feel like Christmas one bit. Who in their right mind is going to be in the spirit when it's 8°C on Christmas Eve? Not me that's for sure. I'm excited to see everything my family got me though.
I'm really excited to go back to school in January. I can already tell I'm going to be so dedicated it's going to be insane. The break has been enjoyable though.
Eh, I don't really have much to talk about. I'm enjoying the break. I hate my job so much is makes me want to break something. I'm excited for school. That about sums up my current state.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
flagpole sitta.
I got asked to move in with Patrick and Max. While the thought of leaving where I am right now and being able to save on gas by eliminating the need to go back and forth between home and school is very tempting, I still need final details and numbers. I'll keep you all posted though. I have a feeling the chances are high I'll do it, but we'll see. For all I know I could die later tonight and not even have to worry about this anymore. But that's a negative thought. Let's all think Rainbows and Lollipops, ok?
I've lost 15 pounds since the start of the semester. I'm not gonna lie, I like it. I've decided that I now need to actually get fit. Now that I've lost excess weight, I have to whip myself into shape. I quit the Spa so I lost my free membership there, so I guess the UPEI gym is where I'll be go to work on my fitness. After all, I need my body to stay vicious. Hehe.
I've never been fully aware of the hospitality of others until recently. I think the fact that I got 8 different Christmas invitations speaks volumes about the people I surround myself with. So far the plan is to spend the Eve with the Howard's alongside the Travers', Mike and Alex, then tomorrow I'm supposed to go to my mom's best friend's house. Then on Boxing Day I'm supposed to go to Heather's, and finally on New Years show up at Diana's. Sprinkled throughout the Holiday break are hangouts, Trivia, Hallway reunions, and of course, New Years.
I was going to spend an entire paragraph talking about Gwen Stefani's new single Wind It Up and how I thought it was absolutely brilliant. Unfortunately, I listened to it way too much and now I'm sick of it. So instead I'm going to talk about how I'm thinking of taking off as soon as school is done in April/May and going to Alberta and then taking a lovely 2 week vacation to come back in July for the 1st, and Harry Potter. Thoughts? Good? Bad?
Alright. I have laundry I need to finish doing. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Friday, December 15, 2006
here in your arms.
I need to find a place to live that's close to school within the upcoming weeks. Ugh. 2007 better see a fricking upturn in my luck because I don't know how much more I can handle before I break for real, and I have no idea what the consequences of finally reaching my breaking point are, but I'm a little afraid of what they may be.
Hmm. I woke up for some water and wound up updating my blog. I'm way too addicted to the internet.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
the sweet escape.
Never trying that one again.
1 more exam left! Woop woop!
Here's a picture of the Great Fire of 2006:

Click on the photo to make it bigger.
Oh, and before I forget the review for School for Scandal got published in The Buzz, among other things this is what it says about me:
One of the difficulties of directing a community production is dealing with actors who are of widely varying degrees of experience. How do you bring all the actors up to the level of Ron Irving who, as rich uncle Oliver, was his usual magnificent self? Rene Ortiz is a case in point. He is not an actor well known on the Island stage—and he clearly had to work to make the language his own. But he more than compensated with a performance (as the drunken big spender with a heart of gold) that found real emotion in a play that is dominated by farce. So, too, did Sharon Eyster, whose distress at the gossip around her was admirable. And in a role that called on her to be both funny and heartfelt, Ashley Clark (the young philandering wife of Sir Peter) was wonderful. And a word, too, about Tony Walsh, who played as convincing a drunk as I’ve seen.
Friday, December 08, 2006
i'm a terrible person.
In other news UPEI is on fire. The utility building where all the breakers and switches are caught fire this morning and exploded. All that's left is ash and burnt remnants.
What else? I wrote Biology today. It was so easy. After the two midterms from hell and an over-zealous professor who taught us 28 chapters (last year they taught 11), it was quite a shock to my system to see a final be so easy.
Ummm, I hate Rogers Wireless - but what else is new? Ha.
I'm going to be in a Crime Stoppers commercial this Tuesday. It's about date-rape, let's hope it doesn't backfire on my reputation, haha.
I think that's everything.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
who's gonna sing?
Monday, December 04, 2006
In other news, I bought a hat today. A fashionable winter hat at that - practical yet stylish. Normally I don't wear hats but I also changed my hair style. I'm now wearing it down. Normally, I would let it go up a little, adding at least an extra inch to my height, but now it's all down, baby. Ever since I changed it I've gotten nothing but compliments and comments about it. Hmmmm. Me thinks it was a good decision.