Never trying that one again.
1 more exam left! Woop woop!
Here's a picture of the Great Fire of 2006:

Click on the photo to make it bigger.
Oh, and before I forget the review for School for Scandal got published in The Buzz, among other things this is what it says about me:
One of the difficulties of directing a community production is dealing with actors who are of widely varying degrees of experience. How do you bring all the actors up to the level of Ron Irving who, as rich uncle Oliver, was his usual magnificent self? Rene Ortiz is a case in point. He is not an actor well known on the Island stage—and he clearly had to work to make the language his own. But he more than compensated with a performance (as the drunken big spender with a heart of gold) that found real emotion in a play that is dominated by farce. So, too, did Sharon Eyster, whose distress at the gossip around her was admirable. And in a role that called on her to be both funny and heartfelt, Ashley Clark (the young philandering wife of Sir Peter) was wonderful. And a word, too, about Tony Walsh, who played as convincing a drunk as I’ve seen.