Thursday, January 04, 2007


So, 2007 was supposed to be a year with some kind of promise. Hmmm. So much for that.

So, in order, I have:

1. Lost my place to live.
2. Lost my job.
3. Lost my mother.
4. Lost another place to live.
5. Almost lost my phone.
6. Lost the car insurance.
8. Lost my integrity and self respect by going back to Resolve.

and now...

8. Lost my student loan.

So I have no student loan. The PEI gov't won't give me the second part, let alone let me appeal it so I can ask for more money. Not only that but the Canadian gov't wants me to give them a large sum of money.

So basically, no money now + no money for school + large amounts of debt = bad news.

I swear, I'm this close to just having some kind of breakdown. My nose is millimetres from the grimy cement I'm staring at, and my whole body is ready to break once I crash into the pavement.

This is not how I wanted 2007 to commence.