So this past week I went to the Sunglass Hut. They sell sunglasses, in case the name didn't tip you off. Actually, they sell really nice sunglasses. I'm talking about Versace, Prada, Dolce and Gabbana, DKNY, etc, etc. I went in there the other day, and I found a pair of D&G sunglasses that were amazing. I've never been able to find a pair of sunglasses I looked decent in - ever. I just don't think sunglasses suit me very well. Well, let's just say that my sunglass theory went out the window. These were incredible sunglasses and I looked fantastic in them. I could have given Brad Pitt a run for his money. However, the price set me off a little. $300 for sunglasses is a lot. $300 for anything is a lot. Even if it's D&G. So these past few days I've been contemplating buying them. I really, really, really wanted them. And they wanted me. I know this because of how well I looked. Sunglasses just don't look that good on people, and these were amazing on me. They were clearly made with me in mind. Clearly. But tonight while browsing around the ole YouTube I stumbled upon something I hadn't seen in years. Something that brought me back to Earth. Something that reminded me of how I used to be - how I used to think and feel.
I can't do it. I can't justify spending that much money on a material object that can be replaced with something for $4 I saw at RW&Co the other day. I used to believe in helping the people who live in other parts of the world because I narrowly escaped it. Coming from a country that has seen more than it's share of political strife, mixed with an unhealthy dose of inhumane living conditions that have prevented an entire population from progressing, I feel like I have no choice but to help. If I wasn't here, safe and cozy in the Canadian lifestyle I've become accustomed to, that would be me who would be suffering those conditions. That would be me.
There's one part in the video that gets me. Sitting in my room at night while everyone else in the house is asleep I could feel a pang of guilt mixed in with burning eyes while watching it. If you know me at all, you know I don't cry that often. Aside from anything remotely having to do with the personal safety and stability of my family, nothing really tends to get me going. Even then, I don't really cry over my family (eg, I didn't shed a single tear in the 1 year I lived on my own from "homesickness"). However, this one little 10 second spot had me feeling all fire eyed. This one woman, working 2 jobs for 16 hours a day, 7 days a week PLUS selling oranges for two cents every night had an effect on me that my own mother doesn't always have. This woman does all of this to make the $200 she needs every year to send her son to school. All that work for $200. Here I am on the other hand more than willing to shell out $300 for something I'm guaranteed to break or lose within that many days.
So instead I'm going to go back to RW&Co and buy those $4 sunglasses I saw. The other $296 that would have gone to Dolce and Gabbana are going to be donated to Oxfam International. I've always been a strong supporter of Oxfam. Last year alone they helped plant more than 10,000 drought resistant trees in Ethiopia. Of course, if anyone knows of any other good world charities, I'd be happy to take a look at them, and consider giving a portion of the $296 to them as well.