Thursday, July 31, 2008

8th world wonder.

You know who you are......

Sunday, July 27, 2008


I just spent the past hour on Kijiji and I really, really want to get a dog. Bah, humbug! How I wish I could...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

being here.

So here's the thing - I love The Stills. Their debut album Logic Will Break Your Heart is one of my all-time favourite albums and one of the 5ive discs I would want with me if I were stranded on a desert island. The songs from that record contain so many memories and future aspirations that it's impossible for me to describe how much I love that album. The thing is that The Stills massively dropped the ball on their second disc Without Feathers. It was a travesty of an album and it didn't capture any of the same sentiments or emotions of their first album. Well, fast forward another 2 years and we get their latest offering, Oceans Will Rise, due on August 19th. I'm really curious to see if the band who managed to put out such an incredible first record will come back.

Monday, July 21, 2008


Oh Seinfeld, how I love thee.

The show is the epitome of ridiculousness and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

stop and stare.

I realize that I have been bottling everything up for my entire life.
I realize that it's not healthy and I shouldn't.
I realize that as the days go on and on, I get closer and closer to finally bursting.
I realize that I've only exploded about 2 or 3 times in my entire life.
I realize that the next time I do, it's not going to be pretty and I'm slightly afraid of it.
I realize that I need to figure out how to vent my anger so that I no longer bottle it up.

These are the things I realize, but what am I going to do about them?

Monday, July 14, 2008

goodnight my love.

Last week I worked from Sunday straight through until the end of the day on Saturday. 7 days in a row, with 3 shifts lasting for marathon 13 hours. Oi. I had one day off which was yesterday and my next day off isn't until next Sunday, the 20th. It's safe to say that I work too much. Ah well, the money is awesome so I shouldn't complain too loudly.

Stampede came and went. It was pretty decent. Went more times this year than last. Maybe because I finally have some friends here? Perhaps. Maybe. Possibly. Not really.

I'm loving my iPhone. It's so rad, I can't get over it. In retrospect, the picture I posted below is really, really bad. Maybe I should take it off the internet...

Saturday, July 12, 2008


iPhone! iPhone! iPhone!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

the game of love.

Oh, the Calgary Stampede. Supposedly "the greatest outdoor show on earth." We'll see about that.
It was a pretty ballin' time last year, but we'll see how this year goes. Work was a shitshow because of the Stampede parade. Luckily, I got to catch half the parade before my shift started. I'll be attending the chuck wagon races, grand stand show, and everything else on the last day of the stampede - Sunday, July 13th. I took pictures of the parade, and after I snap pictures of my stampede day I'll put them up on that forgotten site called Facebook. (Seriously. I go on for about 5 minutes every second day now - what happened to the addict I used to be?)

Side note - I may be moving out for the fall. We'll see how this develops. Hmmmmmm.