Saturday, July 05, 2008

the game of love.

Oh, the Calgary Stampede. Supposedly "the greatest outdoor show on earth." We'll see about that.
It was a pretty ballin' time last year, but we'll see how this year goes. Work was a shitshow because of the Stampede parade. Luckily, I got to catch half the parade before my shift started. I'll be attending the chuck wagon races, grand stand show, and everything else on the last day of the stampede - Sunday, July 13th. I took pictures of the parade, and after I snap pictures of my stampede day I'll put them up on that forgotten site called Facebook. (Seriously. I go on for about 5 minutes every second day now - what happened to the addict I used to be?)

Side note - I may be moving out for the fall. We'll see how this develops. Hmmmmmm.