So I've been test driving Windows 7 RC for a while now.
My thoughts?
I can't wait for Snow Leopard. I'm forced to dual boot into Windows 7 whenever I have to place an order for work from home, since the stupid website of our supplier is IE only. That being said, having to deal with Windows 7 on average 2-3 times a week blows. Coming from OS X I've come to expect certain things to behave and function in certain ways. Windows 7 doesn't work the way my brain assumes operating systems should. This may be because I've gotten used to dealing with OS X, or it might be because I don't want 50 million wizards and dialog boxes popping up every time I try and do something. I'm not sure if Microsoft got the memo, but harassing the user if they want to do "X" after they've done "Y" isn't making your system "more secure" it makes it frustrating for me. Yes, I'm aware I just installed something/changed a setting. You don't need me to confirm I downloaded a flimsy JPEG from the internets. Sheesh. Also, I thought it was a pain in the ass that when I plugged my iPhone in to charge, I was forced to go and download misc. drivers. WTF? Drivers?!? Whoa, haven't had to deal with them for a long ass time. Another thing I haven't had to deal with for a long time that I noticed right away: virus protection. Every time I boot into Windows 7 I get 5 messages telling me I need to get my crap together and install a virus scanner. Frustration!
I know people say Snow Leopard is bull and that Apple can't honestly think people will accept that their next operating system is just a cleaned up version of what we have now, but I think they're on to something. Instead of throwing 50 new things at me, how about we clean up the code, make everything run faster, and have it take up less resources? That sounds like a plan to me. I think Microsoft tried doing that with Windows 7 in respect to its predecessor Windows Vista, but I've spent too much time away from the wonderful world of Windows. Maybe I've just developed a caveat for OS X and Windows simply won't do. Or maybe, just maybe, I've become used to things "just working" that having to go and confirm what I want 50 times and then get harassed because "I'm at risk" is just plain silly.