So, it's officially my birthday. Oh God. I'm old. My life is over.
Or maybe it's not.
For whatever masochistic and / or sadistic reason, I decided to start reading some of my old blog entries this evening. The icing on the cake are my old LiveJournal entries from high school. Now, avoiding that awful time in all of our lives, my main focus is on the blog entries I did up back in 2006. It's been 4 years since then and I find myself in quite the predicament. Reading about my life back then feels odd. I was in a very different place from where I am now. I was flat ass broke. I think I had $0.13 in the bank. I was doing piss poor in school and thought I was on the verge of either dropping out, or getting kicked out. I was partying 3+ times a week. I was never alone -- always out, always with people. I was stuck on an Island with only my daydreams to serve as a plane ticket out of there.
And now? Well. I graduated from school and have my degree. I enjoyed every last minute of my academic career - even if I didn't think I did at the time. I have a job that I love and that I'm good at. I got lots of money in the bank - enough to buy myself a new 2010 car, and to pay my $30+ thousand dollar student loans within 4 years. I've gotten to go from the top of the Rocky Mountains to the Island of Manhattan. I hardly go out. I never party anymore.
So, I guess you could say in those 4 years I've done a lot of growing up. I've become... "responsible." I've traded one lifestyle for another. Maybe I am getting old. But, I don't think my life is over. I never would have thought I would end up where I am 4 years ago. I wasn't satisfied 4 years ago, but for some reason, I'm still not satisfied. I wish I could take the best elements from each of these snapshots and combine the two. Who knows. In another 4 years maybe I'll finally get to that point.