Hmmm, what's this I see? Why, it's a FedEx truck! I wonder what they could be bringing...
Hmmm. It looks like a brown box. But what's in the brown box?
Hmm. I can't really read what that says. Maybe if we remove it completely?
Why! It's a MacBook! Let's open more!
Mmm. Styrofoam protection. But let's open more!
Hmm. I wonder what could be inside this gray thing?
Why...why...It's an actual MacBook!
Doesn't the magnetic latch give you a warm, fuzzy feeling?
Oh la la, it's booting OS X! Exciting innit? Yeah, you know it is...
Look at that, 2 Ghz Intel Core Duo and 1 GB of RAM. At last, there is justice in this cruel, cruel world...