Friday, June 20, 2008

lovers in japan.

I've been a long time fan of Firefox on Windows machines. In fact, I was even using and recommending Firefox before it was even called Firefox (it started off as "Phoenix" back when I started using it at version 0.4). However, when I finally had enough money saved up (and the intel transition was underway) to make the switch to Mac OS X, I realized that Firefox had several shortcomings on OS X. I still use Firefox every time I log onto a Windows XP machine at school, but I have been a Safari user since I switched to OS X. However, this past week Firefox 3 was released and I think I may be switching back. They've taken care of all the bugs that used to bother me about it, plus the speed appears to be quiet the improvement over Safari 3.1 (obviously this will change once the new WebKit gets implemented in Safari).

Anyway, to make an already long and boring story abbreviated - I recommend every one try the new version 3 of Firefox. To slighty modify Superstore's slogan "it's worth switching browsers for."