Friday, June 20, 2008

viva la vida.

I was going to attach this to my last blog post, but I felt it warranted it's own entry.

I LOVED Coldplay's debut album Parachutes, and I thought A Rush of Blood to the Head was a decent album. Hype was huge for X&Y and while I enjoyed the record, I felt that they were trying to be something else. They were going for really big arena-rock, U2 covers, and I didn't like that. My favourite track off the album (minus the leaked, demo version of "Talk") was "Swallowed in the Sea" because of it's use of guitars that reminded me of something from Parachutes. With that said, I was really nervous for Viva la Vida or Death and all His Friends, especially after I heard "Violet Hill" and it's larger than life, X&Y soundability. However, since Wednesday I have been listening to the new album and I think it's absolutely fantastic. From tracks like "Life in Technicolor" to "Lovers in Japan" to "Viva la Vida" I think it's phenomenal. A stellar recording all around.