My life is a mess. I need to get on the ball like I'm an athletic pro...
I need to first get a new license with my up-to-date address information. I must do this before anything else.
I must then apply for a new SIN card since the replacement card I have has had my name spelt wrong since the 10th grade.
Afterwards, using said new drivers license and new SIN card I have to get my passport going or I can look forward to waving goodbye to my sister from the airport as she jets off to New York and I stay stuck in Canada.
While waiting on that I need to (finally) get Alberta Health Care. It is now free but they may retro-charge me from the time I initially moved here. Luckily, according to my 2007 tax return I made less than the 17k they require to pay premiums. Unfortunately, in order to apply for both coverge and exemption from retro-charged premiums I need my PEI health care number. I cut up and threw the card out over a year ago. Chalk up a phone call to PEI throughout all of this.
I have other life-related errands I need to get done, but I won't bore you further. Needless to say, the point I am trying to make is that I suck at life.