So, I'm finally getting things back on track, huzzah!
My marks have all picked back up so I can put to rest worries about my grades.
I finally got permission to graduate next year after much drama last week.
I finally went to go renew my license and it should be here soon.
I'm off to the Harry Hayes building on Friday to pester them over my SIN card (as it turns out, all I need to take with me is my citizenship card).
I've gotten all my banking/credit files back in check and all my requests have been put through.
I finally tracked down my missing tax receipt from Invisible Children and can now file my taxes for 2008.
Looks like all I need to do is finish up the term, get all my school work out of the way, get my passport and health cards going, and get a blasted hair cut. Pretty soon I'll be living the dream.