They are seriously making my life a living hell right now. Insane bill amounts. Bills I never even recieved. Account run arounds! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I am THIS close to calling them and cancelling my account, I don't care about the pay out I'd have to make at this point. Why did I not just wait until I was 18 to get a cell phone? ALL of this is because I got my phone 2 FREAKING WEEKS BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know what else? Their service SUCKS ASS on this island! There. I said it. ROGERS SUCKS ASS ON PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Everyone else chats away just peachy keen on their phone, I'm the only who gets "No Service" error messages. BAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On top of that, the internet in this stupid house is so SKETCHY. I've been sitting next to the modem all day and it just randomly shuts down and has errors reconnecting. I HATE THE DIGITAL AGE!