Hmmmm. This post is gonna be scattered, just so you know in advance.
School is eating me. I don't think I've ever had so much stuff to do in my entire life. Bio lab reports, Bio lab quizzes, Bio midterms, Physics assignment, Physics midterm AND a Physics paper topic, English midterms, papers and essays. Ahhhh!!!!!!!! I cannot believe all these things are due in such a short time, or so close together.
I'm absolutely terrified that I won't have friends in Calgary. That's my biggest fear concerning next year. If I do move out there (which I'm 97% sure I will), I'm so scared I won't be able to make friends. The school and classes are around 6.6x larger than at the U Dot, so I go from classes of about 50 to 330. That's 330 people I won't know. How will I ever become friends with any of them? And it's not like I'd be living in res or anything so I wouldn't be forced to meet new people.
I have the strongest urge to apply at Indigo, but I had my interview at the Library yesterday and it went really well. If they don't call me back then I'll apply there. Although, I already have a job at the Spa, so it may be hard to work around it. I could just leave the Spa, but I really like it there. It's the slackest job I've ever had in my life.
I feel like taking all my income tax money I'll be getting in April-ish and using it to go to the Dominican or something. That would be such a waste of money, but I still like the idea. Although I kind of want to go to Europe as well. Sigh. It's not like I'll wind up doing any of those things after school so I should just stop right now.
I can't stop listening to the new J. Timberlake album. It's all I've been listening to in the car. Or singing in my head for that matter. Except when the song Vans creeps in.
I need to get a new cellphone. Mine is so buggy and just an overall POS. But since Rogers completely and utterly raped me it'll cost like 200 bucks. I'm now looking into eBay possibilities. I wish Apple would hurry up and release an iPhone.
I kind of wish I had gone to Sloan. Or at the very least the before party at the 1-1-7. Life is pretty much passing me by, haha.
I'm so ridiculously ecstatic for my birthday, which is now in exactly 2 weeks. Actually, I'm more pumped for the party on Friday to commemerate the event. Actually, to tell the truth I'm a little worried about the party. There's like gonna be like 100 people there, and I'm positive that even though they would all have me in common, not everyone will get along. I have a feeling drama is gonna happen.
Over the course of 2006 (which has been incredible, I'll just interject with) I've made an average of 1 blog post every 3.3 days. I've made an average of 1 LiveJournal post every 44 days. That's not very balanced.
I should have gone to bed 1 hour and 42 minutes ago. Ugh.