So I've run out of room in my closet for clothes. And yet, I still have nothing to wear. I wish someone would just give me a platinum credit card and tell me to go wild, and that it was on them. I need new clothes like Paris Hilton needs talent - desperately.
And I decided last night that even though Physics is kicking my ass, there is no other class I'd want to take. Seriously. It occurred to me last night that I'm really enjoying the material. Minus the math. And the lectures, because they're pointless. In any event, I'm still going to complain about it. But now you now that it comes from a place of love.
I was thinking about getting a blue 4GB iPod nano, but then I realized I have no money. Plus, I tried playing around with my library the other day and had a hella good time trying to find tracks to cut. Yeah. This was a pointless paragraph, aren't you glad you read it?
And that's all folks. Over and out.