I just did a quick Google and as it turns out, Hips Don't Lie just spent it's 16th week at #1 on the World United chart. That's the longest running #1 of all time around the world, beating the record set by Cher in 1998 with Believe. So the song not only has the distinction of being the most played song in US radio history (played 9, 582 times in a week) , the fastest selling digital song of all time, the largest 1 week sales tally for a digital song (270, 000 in it's first week or about 1 copy every 2.2 seconds), the #1 song of the year worldwide, and joining the elite club where it's gone to #1 in almost every country it's charted in (that's almost 40 countries - fellow club members include the Beatles, Madonna and Michael Jackson); but it can now add longest running world wide #1 to it's belt.
Yeah. I think my obession with this song has to end.