Sunday, January 06, 2008

tthhee ppaarrttyy.

So, in point form, some things I'm looking forward to/are going to happen within the next month:

-A blog post about my thoughts, feelings and concerns about the recent Britney scandal.
-A blog post about my thoughts, feelings and concerns about the recent "Happiness" news article.
-Getting my haircut on the 7th (aka tomorrow).
-Going SKIING in the ROCKY MOUNTAINS on the 12th (aka this Saturday).
-I go back to class on the 14th.
-Buying more Little Debbie snacks, now that I've found a place that sells them in the city.
-Joel's birthday on the 18th and it's subsequent excursion to Amsterdam Rhino.
-illScarlet, Protest the Hero, Silverstein and The Devil Wears Prada on the 1st of February.