Saturday, December 30, 2006

basement apartment.

Pretty sure I didn't know people actually still made Moonshine. So incredibly random. Isn't that stuff illegal? Goodness.

Christmas is over. I enjoyed it. I guess. It didn't feel like Christmas one bit. Who in their right mind is going to be in the spirit when it's 8°C on Christmas Eve? Not me that's for sure. I'm excited to see everything my family got me though.

I'm really excited to go back to school in January. I can already tell I'm going to be so dedicated it's going to be insane. The break has been enjoyable though.

Eh, I don't really have much to talk about. I'm enjoying the break. I hate my job so much is makes me want to break something. I'm excited for school. That about sums up my current state.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

flagpole sitta.

School is over. I did less than stellar, but that wasn't terribly shocking - to me at least. When my mom found out... well, let's just say I had to endure a 20 minute telephone rant. Apparently, she doesn't have the same sentiments as I do "look to second semester. forget about how badly i did first" isn't one of her mottos. Go figure. I am going to make an honest effort come January, though. I mean it. And the first thing on my path to academic enlightenment is to quit partying. I mean it. It's the first thing to go. From now I'm going to stay in and study. Seriously.

I got asked to move in with Patrick and Max. While the thought of leaving where I am right now and being able to save on gas by eliminating the need to go back and forth between home and school is very tempting, I still need final details and numbers. I'll keep you all posted though. I have a feeling the chances are high I'll do it, but we'll see. For all I know I could die later tonight and not even have to worry about this anymore. But that's a negative thought. Let's all think Rainbows and Lollipops, ok?

I've lost 15 pounds since the start of the semester. I'm not gonna lie, I like it. I've decided that I now need to actually get fit. Now that I've lost excess weight, I have to whip myself into shape. I quit the Spa so I lost my free membership there, so I guess the UPEI gym is where I'll be go to work on my fitness. After all, I need my body to stay vicious. Hehe.

I've never been fully aware of the hospitality of others until recently. I think the fact that I got 8 different Christmas invitations speaks volumes about the people I surround myself with. So far the plan is to spend the Eve with the Howard's alongside the Travers', Mike and Alex, then tomorrow I'm supposed to go to my mom's best friend's house. Then on Boxing Day I'm supposed to go to Heather's, and finally on New Years show up at Diana's. Sprinkled throughout the Holiday break are hangouts, Trivia, Hallway reunions, and of course, New Years.

I was going to spend an entire paragraph talking about Gwen Stefani's new single Wind It Up and how I thought it was absolutely brilliant. Unfortunately, I listened to it way too much and now I'm sick of it. So instead I'm going to talk about how I'm thinking of taking off as soon as school is done in April/May and going to Alberta and then taking a lovely 2 week vacation to come back in July for the 1st, and Harry Potter. Thoughts? Good? Bad?

Alright. I have laundry I need to finish doing. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Friday, December 15, 2006

here in your arms.

So in a bid to finally rid myself of my piss-poor paying jobs I resold my soul back to the Devil and I'll be heading back into work for Readers Digest at Resolve on Monday. I quit the Spa but am keeping the library. I think I have to since I signed a paper that had April 2007 on it, which I'm assuming is my end-month. If things go horribly wrong though I could probably quit and show them my shitty 1st semester marks along with the excuse that I need to focus more on my school work. I have to somehow co-ordinate my schedule with school and those two jobs for the new semester first though. Oi. I'm still undecided if I should continue in Biology and take Bio 112 or if I should switch into English 206. I need the English for my major, and I think I want to do a Psychology minor when I'm finally at an institute that allows one. I do like Biology though and it's a general interest area so I don't really know. If I drop it my mark will probably benefit from it, plus it would also free up my Tuesday nights since I wouldn't have a lab section anymore. Plus Meghan said she'd go in it with me so I have a study buddy right away. Hmmm. It makes logical sense. I don't know, I'll decide over the next few days.

I need to find a place to live that's close to school within the upcoming weeks. Ugh. 2007 better see a fricking upturn in my luck because I don't know how much more I can handle before I break for real, and I have no idea what the consequences of finally reaching my breaking point are, but I'm a little afraid of what they may be.

Hmm. I woke up for some water and wound up updating my blog. I'm way too addicted to the internet.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

the sweet escape.

So I'm pretty sure that was my worst idea ever. Honestly, sleep never felt so good.
Never trying that one again.

1 more exam left! Woop woop!

Here's a picture of the Great Fire of 2006:

Click on the photo to make it bigger.

Oh, and before I forget the review for School for Scandal got published in The Buzz, among other things this is what it says about me:

One of the difficulties of directing a community production is dealing with actors who are of widely varying degrees of experience. How do you bring all the actors up to the level of Ron Irving who, as rich uncle Oliver, was his usual magnificent self? Rene Ortiz is a case in point. He is not an actor well known on the Island stage—and he clearly had to work to make the language his own. But he more than compensated with a performance (as the drunken big spender with a heart of gold) that found real emotion in a play that is dominated by farce. So, too, did Sharon Eyster, whose distress at the gossip around her was admirable. And in a role that called on her to be both funny and heartfelt, Ashley Clark (the young philandering wife of Sir Peter) was wonderful. And a word, too, about Tony Walsh, who played as convincing a drunk as I’ve seen.

Friday, December 08, 2006

i'm a terrible person.

My iPod has passed on to the great electronic grave yard in the sky. It's poor little hard drive called it quits today. A moment of silence, please. It has served me well for the past year and half and it shall be deeply missed.

In other news UPEI is on fire. The utility building where all the breakers and switches are caught fire this morning and exploded. All that's left is ash and burnt remnants.

What else? I wrote Biology today. It was so easy. After the two midterms from hell and an over-zealous professor who taught us 28 chapters (last year they taught 11), it was quite a shock to my system to see a final be so easy.

Ummm, I hate Rogers Wireless - but what else is new? Ha.

I'm going to be in a Crime Stoppers commercial this Tuesday. It's about date-rape, let's hope it doesn't backfire on my reputation, haha.

I think that's everything.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

who's gonna sing?

Not gonna lie, I'm pretty scared my Biology exam this Friday. Not to mention my ridiculous Shakespeare research paper that's due on Monday that's supposed to be an obscene length and the Shakespeare final that same day - an exam, I might add, that I'll have to write 3 papers in. Someone shoot me now? kthnxbye.

Monday, December 04, 2006


I... I... I think I'm addicted to Facebook :(

In other news, I bought a hat today. A fashionable winter hat at that - practical yet stylish. Normally I don't wear hats but I also changed my hair style. I'm now wearing it down. Normally, I would let it go up a little, adding at least an extra inch to my height, but now it's all down, baby. Ever since I changed it I've gotten nothing but compliments and comments about it. Hmmmm. Me thinks it was a good decision.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Sunday, November 26, 2006


and school for scandal is now officially over.
i am no longer a scandal maker.
thank the lord.

and now, for the dice box for papers, lab reports, final exams and then christmas break.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

the body says no.

Don't you just love it your nearest relation calls you, just to nag and piss all over you? Thanks. It's very much appreciated.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


The weekend was alright.
It made me happy, sad and very tired all at the same time.
24 hours was nice, but not long enough.
I desperately want this semester to be over.
I'm doing so poor in school. If I pull a 70 average I think it'll be amazing. Sadly, 70 may be stretching it. I need to work my ass off. The unfortunate thing is that I have no drive or desire to work my ass off. I have no desire to do much of anything right now.
Next semester offers so much promise. I think I will get off my ass and try. And be motivated.
I need to go to the library more often and do work. Not waged work, but academic school-related work. Maybe being there will motivate me.
I need a break - a break where I can sleep. And eat. And veg out. And relax. And enjoy the company of others. And do nothing. Nothing. Except sleep.
I need to win the lottery. What are the odds I can come up with an elaborate scheme to rig the next draw so I win the jackpot?
School for Scandal is OK at best. Aside from feeling like I honestly suck. Everyone else is great and talented and I'm like "Yep. I suck. Go me." We've had decent crowds so that's a bonus.

And once more, it's PostSecret for the win...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

the mating game.

I have a mountain of dishes I need to do and instead I'm watching Veronica Mars. Fack.

I'm eating a sausage and I don't think it's fully cooked. I'm going to hope that sausages are like Salmon and that pink isn't a terrible thing to see.

I asked Caitlin Power to be my date for the Christmas Formal. At first I thought I was being a bad date because I was going to be late and meet her there. Now I don't even know if I can go anymore. Stupid School for Scandal. I've moved from bad date, to terrible date. Oy.

Speaking of Scandal, the show starts this Thursday. Cross your fingers! Thanks to Facebook all of UPEI now knows about it. And it's Facebook FTW.

....I hope it doesn't crash and burn. I hope I don't crash and burn.

Monday, November 13, 2006

too little, too late.

When it's been over a week since your last blogger update you know you're in a rut.

I feel so blah. So... indifferent. I crave a change right now. I look forward to next year when I can finally starting organzing my life, because let's face it, I may have come to the conclusion of what I want to do, how I want to do it and where I want to do it, but there's red tape and time to go through. I can't wait for the end of this term.

On the other hand, this past year has been phenomenal. Props to 2006.

I think my iPod knows about Britney and K-Fed since everytime I go to shuffle my music now all it plays is Britney. Seriously. Out of every 10 songs it plays, about 3 will be Britney. Sure, I have a lot of Britney tracks but in the grand scheme of things she only accounts for 3.3% of my entire library of 2,134 tracks. It must be psychic. That's the only possible solution.

Mike came home this weekend. I think I spend way too much time with that kid. It was good times though.

I pulled my back the other day. 19 and complaining about back problems is where it's at. I was in so much pain it hurt to bend down even a little and turn my body. I had to do a full turn to look at people because my neck muscles that extend to my back were in pain. My whole back was a giant sore. I found a great massage place that 5 people have recommended me to. It's 60 smackers for an hour long session. I think I'll deal with the pain until I get my stupid Rogers obscene heart-attack inducing bill out of the way. Screw you t609, why must you cost so much money? FYI, you're firmware could use an upgrade...

I found a new smell. Black Code by Giorgio Armani. My Alfred Sung Paradise is just about finished. There's this great set at Shoppers for 80 bucks that has the 50 ml bottle and a free shower gel and after shave. (Note to a certain sibling who reads this blog: This is a Christmas hint. Take heed).

K. It's gonna be a long week and I need to get to bed. The show starts it's first performance this Thursday. I'm missing Grey's because of it. Humbug. Here's hoping it goes well!

Oh ps, why do people constantly think I could be the next Perez? He annoys me and I would rather stab needles in my eyes than lead his life. I don't understand the comparison.

Friday, November 03, 2006


So, amid having a midterm on Monday, another midterm essay due on Tuesday, and then another midterm on Thursday, I'm wasting time online. I rule. Anyway, I just read the Billboard Magazine review of Kevin Federline's (K-Fed, if you will) album Playing With Fire, and well, you can read it yourself...

"K-Fed spends the first half of his debut album defending himself, claiming he's "America's Most Hated," which rhymes with "you're mad that I made it." Playing the victim allows him a tried-and-true hip-hop window to "keep it real," as he says, and to shout out (twice) to Benjamin Franklin. Amid hints of rock guitar on "Lose Control," he brags about his tax bracket and wedding Britney Spears (who "calls me daddy, but she's not my daughter." Eww). Spears then takes a robotic guest turn on "Crazy." In general, Federline enunciates well (even big words like "paparazzi" and "telekinesis"). But the album doesn't peak until the bhangra-sampling "Caught Up" and the finale "Keep On Talkin'," which prescribes marijuana for cataract relief over a woozily patty-caking hook. Major misstep: An inexplicable lack of Brazilian favela funk tracks about butts. —Chuck Eddy"

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

middle of nowhere.

So, I apologize for leaving you hanging with my last post. Why is my life a giant piece of ass, you ask? Well, it's because I didn't move. The night before I'm supposed to move I get a call. Turns out the landlord had told some guy a few months ago that once someone moved out, he could move in. At the time, none of the roommates knew. Great. So yeah, I didn't move. Great. Whatever. I'm over it now.

I'm so tired. I went to Baba's last night for their Halloween celebration with Elephant Rock and Out from Under. It was such a good time but I got no sleep since I had to wake up at 8. Oy. This day was constant too, didn't end until 11 tonight when I left the Spa.

I have so much I have to do. Figure out how to make peanut brittle, fill out some forms, type up Bio notes and study them, prepare an essay about the anger in Macbeth and King Lear. I also have to email Professor Marsh about next semester, figure out what exactly I'm taking, get my fiances in order (ack, I'm scared), and then I have to memorize lines for School for Scandal. It never ends...

Oh, and the O.C. starts this Thursday. I'm still unsure if I'm going to watch it. Hmmm. I have to get caught up in Veronica Mars as well. Bah. There's just no time! Especially since next week is going to be hell - bio midterm, english paper, possible test in english 201, Derek's birthday, possible team blue reunion and even more school work, regular work, and School for Scandal. I need a break, I cant' wait until Christmas when everyone's home and I can relax.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

love me or hate me.

Why is my life a giant piece of ass? I'm sick of it. I'm this close to dropping out of school, selling off all but a few material possesions, and taking off for some place where I can start anew. Some place where my life isn't the giant piece of ass it has become.

You know how everybody knows someone who is down on their luck and always fighting an uphill battle? Well, for all of you who know me, I'm that guy. Thanks for coming out and showing your support.

Friday, October 27, 2006

i think that she knows.

So... I feel like I've been neglecting this thing. Which is not good.

So, big news of the moment? Well, among other things I'M MOVING! Come this Sunday my new home will be 27 Beer Street, which is a very nice location. 5 min walking to school which means I get to save a ton of gas, plus it puts me right in the centre of all the action when people are home, and throughout the rest of the year. I'll be living with 4 other people, of which I'm friends with 1 and I've met the other 3 and we got along fine, so it'll be good. It's such a sweet place. For the same rent I'm paying now I get a semi-private bathroom, a larger room, satellite, wireless, long distance, the whole shebang. I'm excited.

Aside from that, I had a semi break down the other day. I got 64% on one of my Essays and it made me realize something. I'm academically unhappy at the moment. I've felt like this for a while now - completely indifferent to school. I think it's because my English, Biology and Theatre degree was messed up. I'm dropping the Bio aspect and redirecting my Theatre classes to English. I think I really want to do Sociology. I'm unsure if I should change my major and drop English to a minor (which I wouldn't mind doing), or if I should keep Enlgish as my major and do Soc as a minor. I'm unsure what I have left to do for an English minor, but we'll see. I have to talk to the prof of one of the Soc 102 classes next semester to see if I can get permission to do 102 2nd semester, and then some how come up with the money to pay for Soc 101 in the summer term.... Yeah, speaking of money, it would be such a weight off my shoulders if I had any. Why can't I win the lottery? Not even the jackpot, but just like 20 bucks? Even that would help me exponentially, and I hate asking my mom for money, humbug.

This past little while has been busy. Wintersleep last Thursday were phenomenal, k-os was a bust (he left after 40 minutes because he "wasn't feeling it" - ass). Then this week has been my first trivia at the Wave (we lost, shucks), then the Shinerama Love Tour last night along with the party that ended before Diana, Whitney and I got there. Tonight holds the Haunted House, and possibily 2 parties and the Jamestown Stronghold, but then I may just stay in, I haven't decided. Tomorrow is Halloween Pub, along with the decision of attending either Whitney's, Derek's or Virginia's party (chances are I'll go to the first two for like half an hour and then spend the rest of the time at V's.) Then Sunday is the big move. Ugh. Oh well, a busy schedule is better than an empty one.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

lola stars and stripes.

For some reason, this one is tearing me up on the inside, and I don't know why.

Ps, this text message made my entire year: "When i watch grey's anatomy, i feel like i know mer, george, cristina and izzy. I wish they were real." And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I love the show. And why converting people has become my new past time hobby.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

gender bombs.

I feel like Will Smith, circa Fresh Prince of Bel Air. My world just got flipped turned upside down.


I think I make too many cheesy/corny/stupid/mainstream joke references. I should stop.

Monday, October 16, 2006

just a lil' bit.

So..... the party happened and I know some of you are dying to hear how it went.

Oh boy. It was quite the gong show. It wouldn't surprise me if there was about 90 people there. It was pretty difficult to move at points. These super sketchy punks showed up. And then these young'ns showed up. Young'ns no one knew. Punks no one knew. Sweet. There was a fight between this 16 year old punk (who's coincidentally a father) and some other punk (actual punks too, like metal chains and the whole 9 yards - Bruce Willis style). Myself, Derek, Diana, Colin, Adam Gauthier and Ryan Gallant all put our heads together trying to figure out how to get rid of people. We decided to tell people there was a noise complaint. There wasn't. Shhh, keep it on the low, haha. By 1:20 the house was clean and the undesirables out. It was quite the time, but ironically enough, everyone who was there that wasn't one of us mentioned above, said it was a great party and that they really enjoyed it. Go figure. It was fun while it lasted though. I'd give it a solid 70 out of 100. I do think I got a little invite-happy though. Told just a few too many people who in turn told a lot of other people. Word of mouth is not something to toy around with. Next time will be be very VIP.

I bought the new k-os album today. At ten bucks it was quite the steal. I haven't listened to it yet outside of the two singles. It'll get me pumped for this Friday though. He's playing at the Wave, and guess who's going to go see him? Muahahaha. Oh, and Wintersleep are playing at Hunter's this Thursday so that should be a good time, too.

I have a midterm tomorrow, bah. First I have to pass in a response for Shakespeare 255 and then write the midterm. After that I work, and then it's my Bio lab. I think we have a quiz in the lab but I'm not sure. I'll review last week's lab just in case.

Last night I was thinking about changing my major to Psychology and changing my minor to Sociology. It made sense at the time, but now I don't know. I'm not even sure I know what I want to study, let alone do with my life. However, I don't think dropping out of school for any undetermined length of time is much of an option. Humbug.

I have to go to Aldo at some point during the week, buy my pair of $15 Man-Ugg boots and complain to the manager. Oi.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

all good things (come to an end).

It's officially my BIRTHDAY. Let's here it for being 19 :D

Only 1 more year of teenage-dom left. Ack. I can already feel that my 20th will involve me having some sort of mini break down. But for now, I'm still a teenager and am now 19 BIYATCH!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOT!

Sunday, October 08, 2006

oops!...i did it again.

So I had a dream that I met Fergie and talked to her, but that doesn't matter because later on in the same dream I met Britney. We ran into each other at some clothing store, and I helped her pack for a Mardi Gras celebration (wtf?). After that we went out for lunch and ate fast food fajitas. Because we all know how much that girl loves the greasy food. I remember being so completely stoked that I was talking and hanging out with Britney that I tried to text people, but for some reason my phone didn't work. Anyway, I woke up and realized that my phone was in my hands, which leads me to believe I actually tried sending text messages. Good thing it didn't work or else everybody would have gotten one saying I had met Britney, when in fact I hadn't. Sigh. You know you need a life when you have a dream about Britney and then decide to blog about it.

Friday, October 06, 2006

talk with me, dance with me.

My room is a mess! I swear, there are better organized prisons out there. I need to do something about this disaster zone. And I need to become more studious, like tenfold. Ugh. So many things to do, so little time. Somebody save me? Oh well, friends being home, a long weekend, sci-fi orgies, and my birthday are bright spots. Screw my messy room, my bad marks, and my pending English 201 paper that's due on Tuesday, I'm going to be happy. Still, somebody please save me.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

set fire to the third bar.

Wow. Seven whole days. I know I always get excited for my birthdays, but this one takes the cake.

Countdown, countdown, countdown to the disappointment...

Monday, October 02, 2006

ring the alarm.

So I've decided to drop my physics class. Something about getting 4.5/15 on the assignment didn't sit well. Plus we have a midterm coming up and I really don't think I could have pulled it off. I'm keeping my book though. I find it completely and utterly fascinating. Funny enough, the 4.5 came from the theory questions, the lack of 10.5 points came from the math questions. I think that kind of shows that I have no brain power for numbers, but that I really do enjoy the concepts behind the class. In any event, I'll also be dropping Physics 252 next semester and replacing it with something else. I was thinking about Spanish 101, is that wrong? Would it be unfair to everyone else in the class? What would the school do? Would they even let me take it?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

all'improvviso amore.

You know what? Based solely on a year ago, I've changed quite a bit. Based on a few years ago I've changed dramatically. It's one thing to have people tell you "you've changed" but it's another to be able to notice it yourself. Is this growing up? Is this maturing? Is it just natural evolution of a person's character? Whatever it is, I think I like it.

Whatever happened to the good ole shoutboxes that used to litter our blogs? I brought SexyBack, therefore it's only logical that I bring the shoutbox back. Who's with me?

Saturday, September 30, 2006

you are loved (don't give up).

And suddenly, I have faith in the music industry once more. Thank you Mr. Groban, thank you.
I just wish I had heard your new song last week when I first heard about it, rather than now (ah, my procrastination strikes again). I eagerly await the November 7th release of your new album.

here it goes again.

All Good Things (Come to an End) or so Nelly Furtado ft. Chris Martin say. I guess they're right.

Flames to dust; Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end?

Why do they? Anyway. I'm doing my physics assignment (as per usual). As it turns out the Moon moves an average of 3 cm's away from Earth every year. Scientists speculate that around 4 billion years ago the Moon was half as far away as it is now. That means that over time, the Earth will no longer have a moon because it'll have moved so far away that the Earth's gravitational pull with no longer keep it in sync with us. The Moon is actually responsible for a lot. It's the reason the days are 24 hours long. Back when it was half as far away the days were longer. It's a complicated scientific process that explains this, and even though I now unfortunately know it, I have no desire to reguritate it. But in another 4 billion years when the moon is 50% further then it is now, the days will be shorter. Of course, none of this matters because by the time it does that the Sun will have grown to the size of a Red Giant and swallowed up Mercury and Venus. Earth may get swallowed up or we may get thrown into an even wider orbit and escape it (an orbit roughly 1.7 AU's in size). None the less none of this even matters because one day the Sun will die, and the planets will just start to drift aimlessly throughout space. Of course we'll all be dead by then, so it really shouldn't even register in our brains. So why bother studying it? Yes, as humans we will all die; thus fulfilling the age old proverb that all good things - in this case life - really do come to an end. What an existance we now lead....

Oh, ps, btw, bff? I got the job at the Library. Yay for extra money.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

sunday morning.

Hmmmm. This post is gonna be scattered, just so you know in advance.

School is eating me. I don't think I've ever had so much stuff to do in my entire life. Bio lab reports, Bio lab quizzes, Bio midterms, Physics assignment, Physics midterm AND a Physics paper topic, English midterms, papers and essays. Ahhhh!!!!!!!! I cannot believe all these things are due in such a short time, or so close together.

I'm absolutely terrified that I won't have friends in Calgary. That's my biggest fear concerning next year. If I do move out there (which I'm 97% sure I will), I'm so scared I won't be able to make friends. The school and classes are around 6.6x larger than at the U Dot, so I go from classes of about 50 to 330. That's 330 people I won't know. How will I ever become friends with any of them? And it's not like I'd be living in res or anything so I wouldn't be forced to meet new people.

I have the strongest urge to apply at Indigo, but I had my interview at the Library yesterday and it went really well. If they don't call me back then I'll apply there. Although, I already have a job at the Spa, so it may be hard to work around it. I could just leave the Spa, but I really like it there. It's the slackest job I've ever had in my life.

I feel like taking all my income tax money I'll be getting in April-ish and using it to go to the Dominican or something. That would be such a waste of money, but I still like the idea. Although I kind of want to go to Europe as well. Sigh. It's not like I'll wind up doing any of those things after school so I should just stop right now.

I can't stop listening to the new J. Timberlake album. It's all I've been listening to in the car. Or singing in my head for that matter. Except when the song Vans creeps in.

I need to get a new cellphone. Mine is so buggy and just an overall POS. But since Rogers completely and utterly raped me it'll cost like 200 bucks. I'm now looking into eBay possibilities. I wish Apple would hurry up and release an iPhone.

I kind of wish I had gone to Sloan. Or at the very least the before party at the 1-1-7. Life is pretty much passing me by, haha.

I'm so ridiculously ecstatic for my birthday, which is now in exactly 2 weeks. Actually, I'm more pumped for the party on Friday to commemerate the event. Actually, to tell the truth I'm a little worried about the party. There's like gonna be like 100 people there, and I'm positive that even though they would all have me in common, not everyone will get along. I have a feeling drama is gonna happen.

Over the course of 2006 (which has been incredible, I'll just interject with) I've made an average of 1 blog post every 3.3 days. I've made an average of 1 LiveJournal post every 44 days. That's not very balanced.

I should have gone to bed 1 hour and 42 minutes ago. Ugh.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


How come the government hasn't released a new Heritage Minute commercial in a long time? Those things are classic. Who among us doesn't love them? Or smell the occasional piece of burnt toast? I know I do.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

put your records on.

Oh man. It just feels so good to be able to watch my show again.

I've seriously missed Grey's Anatomy. Seriously.

I love it. It's so good and makes me feel so much better after watching it. It's like having an old friend come back from a trip. An old friend that always makes you feel better.

I cannot wait until next week for another new episode.

Oh man, it's so good.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

white daisy passing.

So I've run out of room in my closet for clothes. And yet, I still have nothing to wear. I wish someone would just give me a platinum credit card and tell me to go wild, and that it was on them. I need new clothes like Paris Hilton needs talent - desperately.

And I decided last night that even though Physics is kicking my ass, there is no other class I'd want to take. Seriously. It occurred to me last night that I'm really enjoying the material. Minus the math. And the lectures, because they're pointless. In any event, I'm still going to complain about it. But now you now that it comes from a place of love.

I was thinking about getting a blue 4GB iPod nano, but then I realized I have no money. Plus, I tried playing around with my library the other day and had a hella good time trying to find tracks to cut. Yeah. This was a pointless paragraph, aren't you glad you read it?

And that's all folks. Over and out.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


So this must be what it feels like to get your ass handed to you. It's a Saturday night, and I'm staying in to work on math assignments. Why oh why did I ever decide to take a second year physics course? Oh that's right, because I LACK COMMON SENSE! Ugh. It just took me close to an hour to do part A of question 1. I have a feeling this is going to be a long night.

Sigh. In the words of someone very near and dear to my heart, what a life we now lead...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

that thing you do!


Sorry for the lack of updates. My bad.

Frosh week was unreal. I think the leaders had more fun that the froshers. Haha. It was good times. And you know how I was excited for school? Well I'm not anymore. I hate it. I'm like 3 chapters behind in Biology, on top of that the prof is new (and not even a real prof. I may add - she's just a grad student with her masters). The original prof is in rehab for alcoholism according to the campus gossip, so the new chick has no idea what she's doing. Class today was 30 minutes short because she zoomed through the chapter on Mitosis. Ugh. She doesn't even cover the entire chapters. She does a little bit and that's it. And we won't even touch the lab section.

On top of that I showed up late to my physics/astronomy class on Monday. I knew there would be math involved because it was a 2nd year physics course, but since 1st year physics isn't a pre-req I thought I'd be safe. I was wrong. I show up late, and the prof is just flipping through equation after equation on the projector. We know have 2 assignments due for next class. I'm dead meat.

And then I have my English courses.... we won't even go there.

I think it's fine being in one department. If you're in Arts you get used to reading books and writing papers; and, if you're in Sciences then you get used to science-y stuff. But I have come to the conclusion that they're separated for a reason. Having labs to go to, assignments to do and equations to learn and then books to read and responses to write is TOO MUCH. School's been in for 1 week and I'm swamped already. And then you have to factor in work and rehearsals and there just aren't enough hours in the day. Bah. So that, my friends, is why I'm not going out this weekend, and instead I'm camping out in the library.

The only highlights this week contains are Breanna's birthday (which was last night), Grey's Anatomy season 2 on DVD (which you all know I bought the day it came out because I'm obsessed), calling Reese on Thursday, and breakfest at Cora's on Friday with Derek. The highlights aren't bad, but school is an automatic -700 points, so that kills the week. Bah humbug!

Sigh. I know y'all wish you had my glamorous life.

edit// Is it wrong I want one of the new iPods? They're so super cheap as well. I've already justified it mentally. I just wish I could justify it to my wallet. Sigh...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

hips don't lie.

I just did a quick Google and as it turns out, Hips Don't Lie just spent it's 16th week at #1 on the World United chart. That's the longest running #1 of all time around the world, beating the record set by Cher in 1998 with Believe. So the song not only has the distinction of being the most played song in US radio history (played 9, 582 times in a week) , the fastest selling digital song of all time, the largest 1 week sales tally for a digital song (270, 000 in it's first week or about 1 copy every 2.2 seconds), the #1 song of the year worldwide, and joining the elite club where it's gone to #1 in almost every country it's charted in (that's almost 40 countries - fellow club members include the Beatles, Madonna and Michael Jackson); but it can now add longest running world wide #1 to it's belt.

Yeah. I think my obession with this song has to end.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Hmmmm. Am I actually excited to be back in school? Weird...
I'm going to blame FROSH week for making me pumped.

On a side note, I changed my layout and upgraded to the new Blogger. I think I like it.

Friday, September 01, 2006

baba o'riley.



They are seriously making my life a living hell right now. Insane bill amounts. Bills I never even recieved. Account run arounds! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I am THIS close to calling them and cancelling my account, I don't care about the pay out I'd have to make at this point. Why did I not just wait until I was 18 to get a cell phone? ALL of this is because I got my phone 2 FREAKING WEEKS BEFORE MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know what else? Their service SUCKS ASS on this island! There. I said it. ROGERS SUCKS ASS ON PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND. Everyone else chats away just peachy keen on their phone, I'm the only who gets "No Service" error messages. BAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On top of that, the internet in this stupid house is so SKETCHY. I've been sitting next to the modem all day and it just randomly shuts down and has errors reconnecting. I HATE THE DIGITAL AGE!

champagne supernova.

Didn't feel like editing the last post, so I decided to create a new one. Easy hatahs.

Anyway, my iPod is dead. The hard drive went caput. I think I dropped it one, two thirty times too many. Plus the fact that I was never really nice and abused it for several hours each day may have contributed. Oh, and then there was the constant reformating and erasing so that I could put entire TV shows on it. I'm sad. Should I pay the 40 bucks(?) in S&H for Apple to send me a new one or should I buy a shiny new 60GB video one?

Hmm, me thinks I need to start taking better care of my possessions...

Hmmm. It's working now. It knows I was blogging about it and has now decided to start working. I'm actually a little afraid to use it incase it craps out on me again.

where'd you go?

Wow. It's now September. Where did the time go?

Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.

Friday, August 25, 2006

snakes on a plane.

FYI, I finally found a job. Working the front desk at the Spa Total Fitness Centre. Because we all know how sporty and athletic I am.


Yeah, this entry sucked. I'll post something better tomorrow.

Saturday, August 19, 2006 one more time.

It's been a while since I last updated this thing. So what's been up? Probably the most insane 2 weeks of my life. Practically living at North of 60 since I'm there enough, hanging out, camping out, chilling out, practically being a regular at B's, oh, and having one of my tires explode on the bypass at night time. Fun times. Oh, and just for the record, 20 resumes and not a single place has contacted me. SWEET. Unemployment sucks. I think that's it. Post over.

Oh, PS, btw, bff? I think I have a minor cold. AWESOME.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

when you were young.

So, apparently my life is random, haha. But honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. And to those of you who come along for the ride, thanks. Having consistency in my life is highly appreciative.

I also have a feeling that everything is going to turn out fine. I have faith that I'll get a job, a non sketch place to live and be able to get where I need to go with little difficulties.While I'm dreaming I'd also like to win the lottery....

As much as I hate to admit it, I actually like the song London Bridge.

Oh, and I'm an idiot and broke my Mac. SWEET.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

fraud in the eighties.

So not impressed right now.

Having the worst summer.
Lost my job.
Lost my place to live.
Lost my mother.
Lost the car.

Thanks a lot to everyone who helped in screwing me over. It's greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


You know how you see people who seem to have everything together and you wonder what it would be like to be them? What it would be like to live their life? Do you ever wonder if someone thinks that about you?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

i wish i was a punk rocker.

I feel lonely.
Wait, no, not really. I don't know how I feel.
It's just an odd feeling.
Reversal of what you wanted much?
Oh, and as it turns out, the deadline for me to apply at U of C was June 30th. The April 1st deadline was for residents of Alberta. Yeah. I rule. I could be off this Island right now. Oh well. This year will be good. I know it will.

On the plus side, the car got a tune up yesterday and now it runs smoother than Carlos Santana featuring Rob Thomas.

On another plus side, I think I have a new job working with Apple and iPod support. Yeah, call centres suck your soul out, but my love for Apple trumps my Readers Digest/Resolve Corporation experience. Oh, and I pulled a fast one on the iTunes US Music Store and managed to get 25 free songs, muahaha.

Things will be fine.... now if only I could actually convince myself of the words I'm typing we'd be all set...

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

andy, you're a star.

Life truly is a bitch, isn't? I know I said that I love having drama in my life, but I take it all back! I don't want it anymore.

A month ago, heck, even a week or so ago, everything was coming along just great. My mother was making final preparations for moving away to Calgary, and I was finalizing moving into my own place for the year. I was working 10 hours a day at a job that I enjoyed and that actually paid me quite handsomely. Everything was coming along just great.

Of course, when things seem to be going fine, that's when they fuck up beyond belief, right? Well, this is the part of the story where that happens. Saturday at 12:30 pm I get a phone call. Long story short, it's the husband of my boss, aka the lady who owns my basement apartment (whom, I may add, I have nothing to do with - she owns everything). He says that "something happened" and that I can't move in anymore. Shit. Yeah, my mom leaves on the 25th, kind of short notice isn't it? Well, we manage to pull some strings and I have a place to stay now. It's quite shady, so now I have to try and find some roommates to move in with.

When I thought things could only get better, today my boss decides to lay an egg on me. She tells me that we're down 15 or so kids, and that myself and another coworker of mine are being laid off. She says that she'll keep me until I get another job, and that if I need to I can get EI. But then she tacks on that maybe I can go to Calgary with my mom. Uhh, last time I checked, you don't pack up and move in 6 days, throwing aside all plans for the academic school year! Not to mention that it's just a tad late to be deciding what to do with the car I'll have next year, to get an airplane ticket refunded, to apply to another school and transfer credits, plus to pack up all your stuff and move it across the country. Ugh. She said she's friends with the GM at Sears, and that he can get me full time job. Yeah, I've heard nothing but horror stories about that place, and I sure as hell am not going back to a call centre. So now I'm frantically trying to find another job. Oy vey. So basically, the woman single handily destroyed my upcoming year by eliminating my place to live, and then removing my source of income.

Oh, and don't even get my started on The Tempest. Being thrown into something at the last minute, on top of personal drama, is always a party.

Now, if you excuse me, I have to go say goodbye to my sanity.

Monday, July 17, 2006

faster kill pussycat.

At 3 today the life guards at Kensington Pool blew their whistles and ordered everyone out of the pool. Why, you ask? No, it wasn't to take a break. No, it wasn't because there were too many people in the pool, and no, it wasn't because it was time for the pool to close. It was because someone pooped in the pool. SICKNESS!!!!! Thankfully I wasn't in the pool at the time so I was saved from having to be in it while the perpetrator went about doing their business. So now they have to close the pool for 24 hours to clean it out. Apparently, this is also the 4th time it's happened this year. Sounds like they have a crapping criminal.

I really need to improve my French. Mental note to talk to Stephanie and Derek in French more often, and to try and find some other Frenchies to chat with. I've also decided what language I plan on learning next. It's not going to be Manderin like I had thought, and it's not going to be German or Italien or Portuguese, even though they were my back-up choices. I've decided I'm going to learn sign language. I think it's really important that as many people that can, learn it. It's in incredibly important language that deserves more recognition.

I think I've already made my mind up about what I'm going to do for my 3rd and 4th years of University.

is it any wonder?

Events this upcoming week:
Monday - Kensington Park and Pool
Tuesday - Green Park and The Yeo House
Wednesday - Stanhope Beach
Thursday - Shining Waters!
Friday - Basin Head

Other upcoming events:
I move out and hopefully find roommates for somewhere else.
My mother leaves.
Charlie comes home.
I finally get myself out of debt.
I win the lottery and never have to owe people money again.

In other (un)related news, I became a super late addition to Shakespeare in the Park's production of The Tempest. The show opens this upcoming Sunday in Victoria Park and I went to my first rehearsal yesterday. Hip hip for Johnny-Come-Latelies.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

chasing cars.

So I just spent the last hour and a half looking at the Aldo, SportChek, Old Navy and American Eagle websites. I created shopping carts for all the sites and all together everything I want comes to: $552.15. Now that total doesn't even include other stores that didn't have decent websites (like Blue Notes), all taxes (Aldo was the only one that calculated them) and more importantly Canadian prices (such as the strictly American Old Navy site). So the total value of all clothing desired by me exceeds the total value listed above by, at the very least, another $150 or so, bringing my grand total to more than $700. Sigh. I wish I could win the lottery...

Saturday, July 08, 2006

futuresex/lovesounds. things aren't supposed to be turning out this way.
Screwed over wha?

As a side note I've eaten way too much today. Since I woke up so early for my moms yard sale I spent the entire morning munching on supper left overs from last night. After that I went to Formosa Tea House with Reese and had some of the most amazing food there, once that was done we went to Cow's and got Ice Cream. When I came home my mom dragged me to Sobeys with her and she wound up buying a pizza for supper, so I had a few slices of that; and right now I'm eating a Fudgesicle. Frig, I'm never going to lose weight if I keep eating like this.

PS// I have now surpassed my Livejournal post count.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

whatever and ever amen.

I'm slowly dying.....
Someone make my allergies stop!
It feels as if I've been hit by a train.
Red, intensly itchy eyes. Runny nose. Violent sneezing. The whole 9 yards.
Unfortunately, Bruce Willis and Matthew Perry can't help me.
So please, someone shoot me before my allergies kill me.

There's now less than 3 weeks remaining. I don't really know how I feel. Hmmm.

Monday, July 03, 2006

we used to be friends.

I'm not dead, mearly exhausted.
Work sure does take a lot out of you.
Tomorrow we go to Cabot Park.
Wednesday Old Rainbow Valley and Cavendish Beach.
Thursday Brudenell Trail Rides.
Friday Wyatt House in S'side and Chelton Beach.

Canada Day was passable. The month of June was passable. July holds many changes, we'll see how it goes.

I can't wait until Big Brother starts this Thursday. I've also become addicted to Veronica Mars.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

happiness and disaster.

For the first time in my life I have a sunburn. The bottom half of my back is nicely tanned, but my shoulders are red. I didn't wear sunscreen today. I thought my genes/race would protect me, since I've never been burned before. I should have known better since the UV index was 9. Since my back hasn't seen the sun in years it was about as white as an Albino's, so it really shouldn't surprise me, either.

My new obsession is America's Got Talent ...or until Big Brother: All Stars starts July 6th. So pumped for that.

I'm too tired to write up my MacBook review so it'll go up sometime this week or over the weekend. Maybe Monday since I have the day off. I still don't have any solid plans for Canada Day. Yikes. Anyone?

I only have two more posts before I tie my total Livejournal post count. Oh my, will Blogger become my new method of conversing on the interweb? I guess we'll find out shortly... That reminds me I have to update my Livejournal at some point before Friday. Gotta post at least once a month.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

the weight is a gift.

Hmmm, it's been a while since I updated, sorry. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update over the summer either, since starting Wednesday I work all day, and when I get home I'll probably be exhausted. Oh who am I kidding? I'll look for any excuse to use my MacBook. Speaking of my MacBook, tomorrow/today/Monday marks 1 week with it. Happy 1 week anniversary! I'll post a review tomorrow. And in case you were wondering, I'll be un-biased and as subjective as possible. No fanboying from me.

Anyway, like I said, Wednesday is the first day of the summer program. What happens is that during the school year Kids Connection is an after school program, but during the summer it's a day camp. I'll be working from 7:30/8 to 5:30 every day. That's 10 hours. With close to 60 screaming kids. Yay. Oh well, it's a lot better than it sounds. We go somewhere new everyday. The first week alone we're going to Kings Castle Provincial Park and Beach, Tea Hill and Fort Amerst. I'll post about where we go everyday so you know where I've been.

Reese comes home tomorrow/today/Monday. I'm pretty excited. Can't wait to see you again. Although, by the time you read this we will have seen each other again.

Anywho, I'm going to bed. Canada Day weekend is coming up and I have no plans so far. Humbug. Superman Returns is also coming out this week. I have to find someone to go see it with.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

state of the union.

Hmmm, what's this I see? Why, it's a FedEx truck! I wonder what they could be bringing...

Hmmm. It looks like a brown box. But what's in the brown box?

Hmm. I can't really read what that says. Maybe if we remove it completely?

Why! It's a MacBook! Let's open more!

Mmm. Styrofoam protection. But let's open more!

Hmm. I wonder what could be inside this gray thing?

Why...why...It's an actual MacBook!

Doesn't the magnetic latch give you a warm, fuzzy feeling?

Oh la la, it's booting OS X! Exciting innit? Yeah, you know it is...

Look at that, 2 Ghz Intel Core Duo and 1 GB of RAM. At last, there is justice in this cruel, cruel world...

Thursday, June 15, 2006

stars are blind.

Paris Hilton finally came out with her first single. If this is karma then what did the entire human race do to deserve this? Is this some sort of punishment God has inflicted upon mankind for wandering so far away from him? Girl has no talent at all. I read in an interview that she always knew she wanted to sing, and that when she opens her mouth this "other voice" comes out of her and that it was time she showed the world. If by "other voice" she means the synthesizers change hers to the point where it doesn't even sound like her, then yeah, it's "another voice." Or maybe she means she's pulling a Milli Vanilli and not really singing? Wouldn't surprise me since she cannot sing. Friggin, even I can sing better, and you know that's saying something. How did this cheap porno girl get famous anyway?

don't listen to the radio.

1/ How important does a person have to be before they are considered assassinated instead of just murdered?

2/ If money doesn't grow on trees then why do banks have branches?

3/ Since bread is square, then why is sandwich meat round?

4/ Why do you have to "put your two cents in"...but it's only a "penny for your thoughts"? Where's that extra penny going to?

5/ Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity?

6/ Why does a round pizza come in a square box?

7/ What did cured ham actually have?

8/ How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?

9/ Why is it that people say they "slept like a baby" when babies wake up like every two hours?

10/ If a deaf person has to go to court, is it still called a hearing?

11/ If you drink Pepsi at work in the Coke factory, will they fire you?

12/ Why are you IN a movie, but you are ON TV?

13/ Why do people pay to go up tall buildings and then put money in binoculars to look at things on the ground?

14/ How come we choose from just two people for President and fifty for Miss America?

15/ Why do doctors leave the room while you change? They're going to see you naked anyway.

16/ If a 911 operator has a heart attack, whom does he/she call?

17/ Why is "bra" singular and "panties" plural?

Monday, June 12, 2006

declare a new state.

I cannot wait. I'm so excited.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

a movie script ending.

I want to go to an outdoor cafe in Montreal.
I want to go to Vieux Quebec.
I want to go to the Rocky Mountains.
I want to go see the Northern Lights.
I want to go to New York and experience the New York life.
I want to go to California and learn how to surf.
I want to go and drive across the Golden Gate Bridge.
I want to go gambling in Las Vegas.
I want to go to Yosemite National Park and see a Grizzly Bear.
I want to go see a Hawaiian volcano.
I want to go to a resort in the Dominican or Cuba.
I want to go backpacking throughout Central and South America.
I want to go see the Mayan and Inca temples.
I want to go see Machu Picchu.
I want to go through the Amazon forest and see the natural animals.
I want to go to the Carnaval de Barranquilla.
I want to go to Europe.
I want to go see Stonehenge.
I want to go see France and all it has to offer.
I want to go see a Bull fight in Spain.
I want to go to Scotland and see Lake Loch Ness.
I want to go watch the Highland Games.
I want to go see European vineyards.
I want to go to Italy and immerse myself in the country and it's culture.
I want to go to England and ride on a real double decker bus.
I want to go see a Manchester United soccer/football game.
I want to go see the blue waters of the Mediterranean sea.
I want to go skiing in the Swiss Alps.
I want to go see wind mills in Holland and wear the wooden shoes.
I want to go to a Berlin nightclub.
I want to go see the Great Pyramids, Sphinx and graves of the Pharaohs.
I want to go to the Taj-Mahal.
I want to go on an African Safari and see Lions, Elephants and Giraffes.
I want to go walk across the Great Wall of China.
I want to go see the Himalayan mountains.
I want to go see the Dingo's in Australia.
I want to go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef.
I want to go see Easter Island.
I want to go.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

the long way around.

So my work got broken into and robbed. There's a room where the door side of the wall doesn't go all the way to the ceiling, instead it stops about 4 feet from the top. Anyway, they hoped over the wall into this room, the same room where we keep all the electronics. They stole the Game Cube, PlayStation 2, controllers, games, even the dinky little piece of crap cordless phone. On top of that they popped open the computer and took out it's insides. RAM, Hard drive, AGP card, even the processor! Lifted everything. It's one thing to steal, but to steal these things from kids? Because that's who use them. Not the staff, not my boss, but the little kids that go to Kids Connection. There's something seriously wrong with people who would steal a high tech form of candy from a kid.

PS// The world cup has a hold of me and it won't let go.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

not ready to make nice.

I just realized that the month of May marked my blogs birthday. I've had it kicking around since 2002, so that makes it...4 years old? Wow. Sorry blog, next year I promise I won't forget.

In other news the anti-christ did nothing today. Like I knew he would. 6-6-6 was too over-rated for my liking. It's just a day, no need to make such an "omgtheworldsgoingtoend!" fuss. Talk about Y2K dejĂ -vu.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

tomorrow starts today.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm a terrible student. Blah.
Aside from that, I had a pretty decent weekend. Deathtrap is over so that's one less responsibility and thing I have to worry about. It went extremely well so that's another plus. In 8 days my summer class ends and then I'll be free - finally. I can't complain though, 2006 has been a great year so far.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

vertically challenged.

Haha, sucks to be her...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

stadium arcadium.

Aaaaah!!!!!! Bird flu now spreads person-to-person!
We're all gonna die! Aaaaaaaaah!!!!!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

the fear you won't fall.

It's been a while, I need to update!

I don't think I'm moving into Browns with Erin and Katie anymore. The whole thing imploded on itself. Something to do with Holland College, automobiles, money and Gahan House tips, haha. Oh well. As of now I believe I'm moving into a basement apartment, owned by an old friend of the family. It's right across from Belvedere Golf course and it has it's own entrance, bathroom, and I believe kitchen area. All my essentials like internet and cable are included in the price she's offering it to me, so that's good. Oh yeah, my mom's moving to Alberta July 25th, so she's leaving me the car. My own place + a free car? I think so. Although, technically it's not my own place or a free car, but whatevski.

After school next year I want to go to either the Dominican or Cuba. I need people to go with though. Anyone in? I'm serious too, I've already started saving money. If you go when school ends in April it's super cheap. Any takers? I've never been anywhere so I think it's time I go on a vacation of some sort.

Thursday, May 18, 2006

steady, as she goes.

I hate the city of Charlottetown. Correction, I hate P.E.I. in general. There's nothing to do here after 9 pm. At all. In a big city, you can find quaint little restaurants, cafés, places with live music, super late night movies, 24'7 Apple stores. Anything at all. Here, come 9 everything shuts down and there's nothing to do. I need off this island.

Also, the countdown has begun until I get my MacBook! Yay for me.

PS// I hate Junebugs.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

s.o.s. (rescue me)


Holy crap, Grey's Anatomy is going to give me a heart attack. I swear. OH MY SICK!

PS// It's the 15th of May. Talk about nostalgia.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

hello, i'm in delaware.

Do you ever wonder if the witch from Hansel and Gretel was simply misunderstood? I mean, think about it. The women must have been reaching the end of her life when she finally got her dream house built, and what should next but some bratty kids come along and start eating it? Seriously now, put yourself in her shoes. I'd be pretty pissed too.

PS// Got my marks back. A- overall for the year so I'm content.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

say you'll be there.

Hmmm, I refuse to let my blog slide into a state of dilapidation; therefore, I shall update.

1. I really wish I wasn't taking my summer class. As helpful and useful as it is, and will be in the future, the last thing I want to do right now is study for our first test tomorrow. Especially since it's absolutely gorgeous outside. Also, I need to start working on my portfolio to get into Creative Writing 212 next year. Ugh, the school work never ends.

2. As soon as one doors opens, the one you took before it, closes. Once upon a time, I had no problems concerning my living arrangements for the fall. My only concern was where I would live for the month that I'd be alone on the island, since my mother would be living in Alberta for the month of August. However, now that I have that pesky problem fixed, my fall arrangements are all haywire. Where before I was going to be living with Erin and Kate, I'm not sure who I'll be living with. Kate wants to go to Holland College to become an RCMP officer and the trek from Browns to Holland College is too inconvienent, and Erin is afraid she won't be able to afford moving out. So now I'm contemplating answering "Roommate wanted" ads. Sketchy? You betcha.

3. I wish my life were more interesting/exciting. At the present moment, it's rather dull and boring. I say the more melodrama, the better, haha. Fiasco's are basically what I live for.

4. I've rediscovered my love for 90's music. Sigh. You know you lead a boring life when you write about rediscovering The Spice Girls and One-Hit-Wonders on your blog.

12 am edit: Oh man, Grey's Anatomy is going to be the death of me. Such a good episode tonight. I'm so sad it's going to end next week.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

the sound of settling.

And the sketch factor just skyrocketed.....excellent. We'll see how things turn out. Don't worry, more info to come.

On a side note, today the 4th day of May @ 1:02 and 03 seconds will make 1:02:03 04.05.06

Friday, April 28, 2006

it warrents it's own post.


Your mind-blowing awesomeness has left me stunned.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

under the iron sea.

So last week I had enough hair to get a fro started, so I figured I should do something about it. No, I didn't go all the way and get an afro, instead I decided to get a normal hair cut. As it turns out, I was helped by a completely inept hairdresser. She gave me a mini mullet. The back of my hair was grotesque, so ridiculously long it wasn't even funny. OK, it wasn't that long, but still, I was one foot in Mulletville. So today I decided to go do something about it. I went back and asked them to shorten the back, you know, make it normal. Oh they shortened the back alright. Instead of having a mini mullet, I now have a mini mushroom cut! They took way too much off the back and sides, and left the top of my head disproportional to the rest. Humbug! I may go back and ask them to trim the top. In any case, middle to end of June I plan on chopping off all my hair; as in super short. I may even ask them to shorten it in sections, so that I can get pictures of a Mohawk first. Normally I look terrible with super short hair; I'm thinking it's my chubby face that makes me look gross. Hopefully though, if I stick to my plan, I should have lost copious amounts of weight by then, so having short hair won't look bad. In the mean time, I'm thinking I'll be wearing lots of hats...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

you get what you give.

This is so random and off topic, but who in their right mind names their child "Oprah"? Seriously. It's such a messed up name. Say it, "Oprah." Her parents must have been doing crack in the maternity ward.

(Seriously, say it aloud. It's so odd sounding)

Saturday, April 22, 2006

don't fear the reaper.

Wow. So that was my first year of university. That went by quickly.
When all is said and done, I should hopefully walk out with an A- average. Hopefully. I kind of wish I had made more of an effort, but alas.
Anyway, I haven't updated in a while so maybe I should...

1. For the most part, the post-strike fiasco went by with only minor hitches. Papers got pushed backed, assignments got cancelled (if you were lucky) and exams went as scheduled. It was only Chung who was an idiot and made us learn the lost material ourselves because he was still going to use it on the final.

2. I'm moving out in the fall as planned; however, my mother may be moving out west to Alberta where my sister is which means I'd be the only on on the island. Sketchy. If she does move out west though, then I think she wants to drive out there, which means roadtrip across the country! (I'd take a plane back to P.E.I.). It works out though because then I get to keep my bed and some of the furniture, plus the washer/dryer, TV, etc. can be bought and used in my new place.

3. On a whim I auditioned for School for Scandal which goes into production in the fall. I wasn't planning on participating or anything but on the day of auditions I asked if it was too late to make an appointment. I was given a main character role so I'm pleasantly surprised. The director said something about being impressed with me. Go figure.

4. My English prof went insane. We had to pass in a memoir for our final project, but he had us do it in stages and then a final copy. I chose to write about the first year we spent in Canada living in an apartment building. The twist was that instead of writing it from any one person's perspective, I wrote it from the apartment's, eavesdropping on our conversations and witnessing our experiences. He gave me 95% on the draft, which is worth 15% of my overall mark and left me a note stating that it was (and I quote) "beautifully written, mature, wise, moving, compelling and exquisite." Infact he liked it so much that he talked to Matt Rainey who hosts CBC Radio's "Main Street" and he's going to see if I can get on the show to read an exert and talk about my experience. Personally, I thought my memoir was absolute rubbish...

5. I'm taking a summer class. I'll be taking Psychology 100s, which is 101 and 102 combined, it's only for 6 weeks and ends June 12th though. The only problem is that you have to cover an entire year worth of material in those 6 weeks so I'm assuming it's going to be insane. The first 3 weeks you learn 101 and the last 3 102. There's all these papers and assignments, plus a ton of tests you have to write, not to mention a final. Ugh, at least it counts for 2 credits.

6. I'm officially a moron. Come the fall this is what my life will be like: I'll be taking two sciences; Biology 111 and Physics 251 (that's right, a second year physics course). You don't need to take first year physics for 251, or it's continuation 252 (which I'll be taking as well, alongside Biology 112), but I still think I'm going to die. I'll also be taking 2 English courses first semester, and then 3 second semester. Add to that work, rehearsals, and my attempt to have a life. I'm going to die. Oh well, when I'm dead I won't have to worry about paying bills and rent, plus managing to keep on top of my studies.

7. The song "Limelight" by Two Hours Traffic was used in this weeks episode of The O.C.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

sing me spanish techno.

I hate school. That is all.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

i'd bleed myself dry.

So the strike is over and I am now effectively SCREWED OVER!
I don't care what none of y'all say, having to go to school on the weekend to make up for 2 weeks worth of missed classes is not my ideal post-strike outcome. Don't even get me started on the unknown status of my papers either. Bah, humbug!

Monday, April 03, 2006

rien n'arrete nos esprits.

So I said I'd fill all of you in during my last update, so I guess I will.

- I did Seven Stories which went a lot better than we were expecting.
- I then moved on to help out with Heartbreak House, which is a completely different story for a different time...
- I got swamped with school work that was due. I hope I didn't fail anything that week because it was crazy.
- The strike started. Don't even get me started on that.
- I then worked an obscene amount since it was March Break and we had the kids every single day until 5:30.
- I got involved in Deathtrap.
- I decided to move out and found roomates for the fall (but you knew that already).
- That brings us up to date. Up to date and with no school work done since the strike started almost 3 weeks ago, because that's how I roll.

dear mister president.

Dear Mr. President,
Come take a walk with me
Let's pretend we're just two people and you're not better than me
I'd like to ask you some questions, if we can speak honestly

What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street?
Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep?
What do you feel when you look in the mirror? Are you proud?

How do you sleep while the rest of us cry?
How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye?
How do you walk with your head held high?
Can you even look me in the eye and tell me why?

Dear Mr. President,
Were you a lonely boy? Are you a lonely boy?
How can you say "No child is left behind"?
We're not dumb and we're not blind
They're all sitting in your cells, while you pave the road to hell.

What kind of father would take his own daughter's rights away?
And what kind of father might hate his own daughter if she were gay?
I can only imagine what the first lady has to say,
You've come a long way from whiskey and cocaine...

How do you sleep while the rest of us cry?
How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye?
How do you walk with your head held high?
Can you even look me in the eye?

Let me tell you about hard work,
Minimum wage with a baby on the way.
Let me tell you about hard work,
Rebuilding your house after the bombs took them away.
Let me tell you about hard work,
Building a bed out of a cardboard box.
Let me tell you about hard work,
You don't know nothing about hard work.

How do you sleep at night?
How do you walk with your head held high?

Dear Mr. President,
You'd never take a walk with me, would you?

Sunday, April 02, 2006

sounding a mosaic.

Long time no update, sorry folks.
Lots going on in my life too.
I'll fill you in on everything soon enough.
Right now the most important thing is that I'm moving out.
Come September I'll be living in Brown's Court (sketchy much?) with Erin Carver and Katie Domarchuk (random much?).
It'll be good. I know it will.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

brothers on a hotel bed.

This just in:
I really hate writing papers. Really, I do. It'll be a miracle if I can pull this off. Maybe I should act on my desire to became a Bio major and ditch English. I hear there's less papers to write in Bio...

In other news I got interviewed by CBC again today. I hope they didn't show me on TV because if they did I'll be the laughing stock of the Island. Pretty sure everyone will think I'm a complete moron if they see it. Sketchy.

"Suddenly I feel nostalgic for things I never lived."

Saturday, March 11, 2006

bittersweet symphony.

Life really is good. I quite enjoyed my very odd and unexpected, yet amazing Friday night/Saturday morning. Tomorrow I will resurface for a little bit, send out some much needed emails (sorry!) and whatnot, and then I will be unheard of for the duration of next week. School + work + schoolwork + Heartbreak House = A very busy Rene. Unless of course there's a strike, then I won't know what to think.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

pull up the people.

I'm so unbelievably exhausted. I took a 3 hour long nap today and I'm still tired, so I've decided I'm going to bed. This is important since it'll be one of the earliest times I've gone to bed in a long, long time. It also means I will have accomplished no work today, both academic and miscellaneous. This in turn will screw me over since next week is going to be a busy week, so I really don't know how I'm going to get all my work done. Do I see myself staying in this Friday and Saturday night? I think so.

"If you want crappy things to stop happening to you, then stop accepting crap and demand something more."

Monday, March 06, 2006

remember to feel real.

For the first time since grade 8 I'm craving a glass of milk.
Huh. I wonder what it could mean. In any case, it's not like I can have one, my lactose intolerance and all.
This was pretty pointless, so I suppose I'll provide a real update tomorrow. Think of this as merely a reminder that I'm not dead, since I haven't posted in a while and whatnot.

PS1: Reese, your email will be sent tomorrow.
PS2: Charlie, I have your yearbook.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

here comes tomorrow.

Since I never really give an update on my life, I thought I'd try it.

School is going pretty good. Or, as good as one can expect with me. I'm such a hardcore procrastinator, and you all know it's true since I'm writing this instead of writing my Intro to lit. paper. I haven't been doing as well in school this term as I would like. Well, that's not completely true. I wrote 3 midterms 2 weeks ago and so far I've only gotten two back. 72% and 74%. But on the plus side, I think I did really well (as in 80+) on my Intro. to dramatic lit. midterm, and I got the highest in my Advanced Theatre class midterm-replacement assignment. Plus, I'm doing decent enough in my Intro to lit. class (although I really need to write that paper!). All in all, I think I'm doing decent enough, but I would be doing a lot better if I got off my lazy ass and did some actual work.

Reading week was 2 weeks ago. It was alright I guess. I didn't really get to sleep much since I had to work mornings (the girl who normally does them was in Ottawa so I told her I could do it for her). I didn't even see much of a difference in my paycheck which sucked, but oh well. I did have fun though. I got to hang out with a lot of people like Stephanie and Shawnté; plus I got Heather hooked on Grey's Anatomy. It was a nice break overall (except for that lack of sleep part). Work has been much better lately though. We got rid of two of the major "problem kids" and it's made all the difference. And then this past weekend was incredible. The ECMA's were held here so you know I had to hit up everything that came to town. It was a great weekend, a little sketchy at times but great none the less. The sketchyness was pretty much cancelled out though by Grey's Anatomy, haha.

My play on the other hand is sketchy at all times. Bad directorial vision. Bad set. Bad publicity. Bad everything. Not to mention that the other day at rehearsal I jumped down from the platform, which is about 2 feet off the ground, and then collapsed. My knees just gave way for some reason and it can go down as one of the most painful experiences of my life. I don't know what happened, but I think my calcium deficiency plays an important role in it. I made a doctors appointment for Monday a while ago so I'll ask him about it then. What really scares me is that they still hurt. When I woke up this morning I could barely bend them and standing up really hurt from all the pressure I was putting on them. I've been taking Advil, Tylenol and Motrin all day for the pain.

Moving to Calgary is starting to implode magnificently upon itself. It came as a big shock to me, and I'm still not really sure what I think. I could still be moving, but I could wind up staying here. It's all up in the air right now and very undecided. I'm not really sure what to feel. I suppose I could go either way, in favor for moving, or for staying. No matter what though I'm still moving to Toronto as soon as I graduate from school and setting my plan in motion.

I think I'll end here. I'll try and provide "real" updates more often. Oh, but before I go I thought I'd mention 3 things. The first is that I bought a digital camera on Monday; I've now officially become a camera whore. The second is that I'm not disappointed with Apple's announcements today (unlike some people), but I think the iPod Hi-Fi should be priced at $299 USD instead. The high price tag doesn't stop me from wanting one though, haha. And thirdly, I thought I'd post the txt messages exchanged between myself and my friend Derek today. I thought they were hysterical, but I'll let you be the judge.

Me: Hey derek, get some talent you hack.
Derek: Hey rene the talent police called your wanted for questioning.
Derek: Hey rene striped sweaters were so 1998.
Me: Hey derek, the jerk store called, they're running out of you.
Derek: Hey rene the crap store called they were wondering if you are coming later.
Me: Hey derek, the zoo called. The ape wants his ass (which you've been using for a face) back.
Derek: Hey rene tignish called they were wondering when u r coming home.

Monday, February 27, 2006

the suggestion box.

The game "Big Brother" can turn on a dime.
As it turns out, real life can also turn on a dime.

Oh, and Saint Nick is out. Steve Jobs is the new Santa Claus. Seriously, his bag of goodies is filled with things that I'm not embarrassed to salivate over.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

make up the breakdown.

Point form once again, because I'm lazy:

-Come on Team Canada! Pull it together! For crying out loud...

-I love Grey's Anatomy. So much.

-I go back to school tomorrow. I didn't do any of my readings during reading week, how ironic.

-I'm really starting to look forward to moving. We have an approximate leave date which is good, now to find a way to tell my boss...

-I still haven't called U of C yet. Yikes.

-I've come to the conclusion I have a thing for superheroes. Clark Kent, Max "X5 - 452" Guevara, Jonny and Sue Storm, etc. I pretty much want to be a superhero, haha.

-I'm still undecided as to whether or not I should upgrade my current digital camera, or just buy a new one.

-I didn't sleep at all during the break. Woe to me.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

waiting for your letter.

Well this was all over LiveJournal a little while ago, and now the craze has caught on to Blogger, and who am I to stop a trend?

I would really appreciate it if you guys did the Nohari Window for me. It's the one with the negative adjectives. I would love it if everyone was truthful; and after that has sufficiently made me depressed, I'll need everyone to do the Johari Window. Like I said, I would really appreciate it if everyone did it, and did it with honest answers.

look at those cavemen go.

So our Yearbooks finally came in!
I know that several of you will not be able to see it for sometime, so I took it upon myself to scan a couple of pages. I thought about scanning the whole thing, but then I though "Nah!...I'm too lazy." Plus there's 120 pages in it, and that would take too long. So think of these as morsels to wet your appetite until you see the real thing; and besides, you still want to be surprised don't you?

Monday, February 13, 2006

smile like you mean it.

Happy anniversary.
I find it hard to believe we've been in Canada for 15 years.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

end of the world party.

I think that if my life were any more dull, it'd be going backwards.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

caught by the window.

Holy crap, UPEI is starting to become quite the hotbed for media attention. First, we had the David Weale controversy a few weeks ago, and now we have to deal with The Cadre controversy. That's right folks, The Cadre, is the first newspaper in all of Canada to print the cartoons of Mohammed, and now UPEI is at the center of media blitz once again. On the plus, I got interviewed twice for Television and once for Radio about it.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

back to bedlam.

Point form, because I'm lazy:

1. I just ate a Big Mac for the first time since I worked at McDonald's back in grade 10. It was delicious but now I feel gross.

2. I hate Smallville. "The Proposal" episode made me all depressed.

3. I have to finish my Philosophy assignment.

4. After that it's Grey's Anatomy!

5. Tomorrow I have to study for my midterms, finally memorize my script, go to class, go to work, go to rehearsal, as well as meet up with Shawnté.

6. That script is looking pretty sketchy since we're not allowed to have our books with us at Tuesday's rehearsal and I still know nothing.

7. A pompous, arrogant, yet really respected 4th year Honours English student said he liked my writing, ideas, and that I have potential and should continue to write.

8. I said "yes" to moving to Calgary.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

descended like vultures.

And I feel like everything in the immediate (and perhaps distant) future, depends on a simple 'yes' or 'no'. If only coming to that conclusion were as simple...except deep in my heart I already know the answer.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

healthy in paranoid times.

So incase you missed it, come this April I might get to meet Coldplay! Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

moment of weakness.

I fell into temptation. Guess I'm back at square one, hopefully this time I'll be in control.

NOTE: The above contains a joke, see if you can figure it out.

Monday, January 30, 2006

more ways than three.

Holy crap I hate kids...

Thursday, January 26, 2006

the space between.

It's the laughter that keeps us coming back for more.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

such great heights.

So we're getting 40 cm of snow tonight, another 10 cm tomorrow and wind gusts up to 100 km/h. Goodbye warm spring-like winter and hello old man winter.

I have other stuff I want to talk/blog/post about, but I don't really feel like typing, so maybe I'll post something a little later.

Oh, and I went on the bus for the first time today. Can we all say fiasco? I'll talk about that in my next post as well.

P.S.: Holy crap, I swear our house has to be telemarketer central. 3 calls in one night...

Monday, January 23, 2006

hide another mistake.

Lying is bad, or so we are told, constantly from birth. Honesty is the best policy; the truth shall set you free; I chopped down the cherry tree. Whatever. The fact is, lying is a necessity. We lie to ourselves because the truth, the truth freaking hurts.


Yes! I just voted for the first time :D
I feel so grown up.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

can we get together.

So the more I think about it, the more I realized maybe "worst night ever" was a bit of an exaggeration. I mean, think about the Jews in concentration camps, I'm sure they had worse nights.

Anyway, the reason I was pissed was because some bozo behind me at the movies spilled pop and ruined my copy of Vanity Fair with Lindsay on the cover (which, I might add, took me 2 weeks to find in this town). Completely ruined, I didn't even get to read it. Grrr.

I feel bad I haven't been updating as often as I was, even though Lord knows the updates all sucked. I have an excuse though: school. I'm so busy with school work that I have to stay home this weekend just to get it all done.

That's it for me, I have nothing else to talk about.

Friday, January 20, 2006

don't you forget about me.

By far the worst night ever.
I should have listened to common sense and stayed at home.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

awake is the new sleep.

I have so many things running through my mind, comprising the following:

·The song Cosy In The Rocket and New Version of You.
·University choices including: UPEI, York, Ryserson, McGill, UBC and everything in between.
·That I should talk to someone about my thoughts on the future.
·Tonights episode of Grey's Anatomy.
·How much money I'll spend if I go away.
·That UPEI makes it simple to get the degree I want, but I don't want to stay here.
·I still haven't learnt my lines and am royally fucked over.
·I still have a load of school work I need to do.
·Old New York, courtesy of Frank Sinatra.
·That my RAM is getting really low.
·iBook version of the MacBook or the new Intel iMac.
·That I shouldn't buy either until I decide if I want to go away.
·Being a transfer student is messy.
·My acne is no more, I'm losing weight and I no longer bite my nails.
·What I'll do if my mom decides to move out west like she's thinking.
·Being pissed that I can't see Hilary Duff anymore.
·That I want to go see the movie Karla.
·My general opinion on people regarding the movie Karla.
·How I was going to update my Livejournal but got lazy and didn't.
·The image to Death From Above 1979's CD.
·The song Hungry Like The Wolf.
·TBS's commercial for The Wedding Singer.
·That I want a better Grey's Anatomy icon.
·That I need to download the song Break Your Mamma's Back.

Maybe I should just go to bed...

still most wanted.

Oh man, I'm screwed.
I have to have my entire script memorized by Tuesday, and I just started now.
Oh man, I'm screwed.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

hungry like the wolf.

So I'm no longer going to see Hilary Duff in concert on the 26th...

Friday, January 13, 2006

in between dreams.

This is my workload:

English 195 - Intro to Dramatic Lit:
-Read the book "Everyman"
-Do 5 questions on the movie Oedipus Rex viewed in class
-Due: Thursday

English 192 - Intro to Lit:
-Read the two memoirs assigned for last class.
-Read graphic novel
-Write up personal memoir proposal
-Come up with memoir to write about
-Write first draft of memoir due for the class after next
-Due: Tuesday and then Thursday

Theatre 344 - Advanced Theatre Studies:
-Read the play "Criminal Minds"
-Argue with Colin over who gets to play whom in "Criminal Minds"
-Read the book "The Empty Space"
-Type up 3 page critique of the film "The Reckoning"
-Find out what "The Reckoning" is about
-Write journal entries assigned thus far
-Due: Wednesday

Religious Studies 102 - Religions of the East:
-Read the chapters on Hinduism that were assigned for last week
-Read the chapter on Hinduism assigned for next class
-Write notes based on readings
-Due: Tuesday

Philosophy 111 - Critical Thinking:
-Read the two chapters assigned for last week
-Read chapter assigned for next class
-Do assignment
-Due: Monday


-Memorize the script for "7 Stories"
-Email: Reese, Jon, Angus, Sharon and Kate
-Fill out hours sheet
-Due: Tuesday

Thursday, January 12, 2006

forbidden love.

Piece of crap!
2nd term has barely begun and already I'm swamped with work.
I shall expand more a little later.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

cosy in the rocket.

I got a new watch today.
That is all.

Where do you go, with your broken heart in tow?
What do you do with the left over you?
How do you know when to let go?
Where does the good go? Where does the good go?

Look me in the eye and tell me you don't find me attractive
Look me in the heart and tell me you won't go
Look me in the eye and promise no love's like our love
Look me in the heart and unbreak broken
It won't happen

It's love that leaves and breaks
The seal of always thinking you would be
Real happy, and healthy, strong and calm
Where does the good go? Where does the good go?

Where do you go when you're in love, and the world knows?
How do you live so happily while I am sad and broken down?
When do you say it's up for grabs and that you're on your way down?
Where does the good go? Where does the good go?

Monday, January 09, 2006

brand new colony.

In a few short hours Steve Jobs will take the stage at Macworld Expo San Francisco and present his keynote speech. It's like Christmas all over again! Although, I'll eat my shorts if Steve-o introduces a plasma TV with an integrated Mac. Seriously, I will.

No Plasma, No iPods except the revised shuffle.

What we'll get is:
New media content partnerships
Updated .Mac
New iLife '06 and iWork '06
New intel iBook

One more thing? New intel Mac mini with Front Row 2.0 and all the extra media center TV connectivity goodies - This is why they didn't announce the previous upgrade. They didn't want to announce one upgrade then announce another such a short time later.

I know I already said it, but it really is like Christmas! I wait in anticipation with my sisters credit card in one hand and a blank cheque in the other to give to her. Intel iBooks, here I come!

welcome to the north.

I'm giving up on my dreams.
I'm selling out.
I'm going to become a realtor.

Oh, and apparently, according to this country I am:
Rene Edyardio Ortiiz who lives at 28 Binnieblink Drive, when in reality I am Rene Eduardo Ortiz who lives at 28 Bonnie Blink Drive. Thanks Canada.

Friday, January 06, 2006

better sorry than safe.

F W A P !

That, ladies and germs, is the sound of reality, insecurities, common sense, doubts, and the truth all hitting me.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

stop all the world now.

I've come to the decision that I need of this island NOW!!!

I know what I've said in the past, but forget everything I've said. I want off now. So I've decided that after my first year at the U Dot ends, I'm transferring to either Montreal or Toronto. I'll have to research possible schools there and go from that. Hey, I might even go to the private university my sister went to in Calgary, I don't know anything except that I need to get out of this place.

Oh, and just for the record, nothing 'happened' to get me to want to go. I came to that conclusion by myself last night.

Monday, January 02, 2006

your ex-lover is dead.

It's a new year. It's a fresh sheet of paper. It's a new leaf. It's a fresh start. It's a new chance. In this following year I resolve to:

·Laugh more
·Love more
·Read more
·Party more
·Study more
·Focus more
·Exercise more
·Concentrate more
·Learn more
·Drink more
·Chill more
·Hang more
·Sleep more
·Relax more
·Be more spiritual
·Be more serious
·Have more fun
·Do more schoolwork
·Less frivolous spending
·Less procrsatination

A new year comes with the opportunity to create a new version of you. I plan on fully taking advantage of it.
New year, I hope you don't let me down. I hope I don't let you down.


Sunday, January 01, 2006

happy new year?

Well, New Year's Eve is merely symbolic of how another year has gone by and how little we've grown. No matter how desperate we are that someday a better self will emerge, as we count down the seconds, we know it's not to be, that for the rest of our sad, wretched pathetic lives, this is who we are to the bitter end. Inevitably, irrevocably; Happy New Year? No such thing.