Tuesday, September 14, 2010


To iPad, or not to iPad -- that is the question.

My original Rev A white MacBook has served me well since 2006. It actually still works great. Using it, I can't really tell it's age. Now, that might be because I'm no longer in school and so what I use my computer for has greatly shifted. Whereas before I was staying up all night writing, stitching together presentations, and doing research; I find my current days of computer use to be mainly social networking, music, and general web surfing. I've never been one for pictures so that's a bit of a moot point.

However, needing something and wanting are 2 completely different things. Whereas I don't need a new computer, I really want one. A 15" Core i5 MacBook Pro to be exact. I really, friggin want a new computer. The pros to this are that I get a new computer. The cons are that I spend a lot of money on something I don't truly need. Plus, the free iPod touch program is over so I'd get nothing extra for it. Except those awesome Apple stickers. I love those stickers. Another pro; however, would be that I would wipe everything on my current Mac (that still works perfectly well), and ship it off to my cousin in El Salvador since they pretty much have nothing. On the flip side, a parcel like this would need to be hand delivered as you should not trust the mail service there. People will steal packages that do not belong to them, and a once $1,800 computer is no different. So, I guess that's also a con, cause I'd have to hand deliver it and I don't know if I'd ever go down there.

Now; with all this talk of needing versus wanting, money versus money, I've also thought of a second solution: Keep the machine I have, use it as a central media hub for my life, and then buy an iPad. iPad is delicious. With iPad I can surf, email and tweet all from the comfort of my couch / bed / wherever, without ever needing to lug around my computer. I like this solution. I wouldn't transfer my music to my iPad simply because I have an iPhone with iPod touch capabilities. That means a 32GB model would be perfect for my life. Maybe I've become so cushioned in my soft, jelly life, but the idea of disconnecting my 13" laptop, taking it downstairs, and sitting on the couch with it annoys me. It's portable but that portable. (For the record, I am aware that I sound completely ridiculous. My Mac is infinitely portable, but I'm just super lazy). The only downside to buying an iPad is that it's selfish of me because then my cousin doesn't get my perfectly capable computer. But in order for them to get what I have now, I'd have to resort to option a) buying a new computer. See the above paragraph for the issues with that.

So.... to iPad or not to iPad. That is the question with an infinite number of solutions.