Sunday, May 07, 2006

say you'll be there.

Hmmm, I refuse to let my blog slide into a state of dilapidation; therefore, I shall update.

1. I really wish I wasn't taking my summer class. As helpful and useful as it is, and will be in the future, the last thing I want to do right now is study for our first test tomorrow. Especially since it's absolutely gorgeous outside. Also, I need to start working on my portfolio to get into Creative Writing 212 next year. Ugh, the school work never ends.

2. As soon as one doors opens, the one you took before it, closes. Once upon a time, I had no problems concerning my living arrangements for the fall. My only concern was where I would live for the month that I'd be alone on the island, since my mother would be living in Alberta for the month of August. However, now that I have that pesky problem fixed, my fall arrangements are all haywire. Where before I was going to be living with Erin and Kate, I'm not sure who I'll be living with. Kate wants to go to Holland College to become an RCMP officer and the trek from Browns to Holland College is too inconvienent, and Erin is afraid she won't be able to afford moving out. So now I'm contemplating answering "Roommate wanted" ads. Sketchy? You betcha.

3. I wish my life were more interesting/exciting. At the present moment, it's rather dull and boring. I say the more melodrama, the better, haha. Fiasco's are basically what I live for.

4. I've rediscovered my love for 90's music. Sigh. You know you lead a boring life when you write about rediscovering The Spice Girls and One-Hit-Wonders on your blog.

12 am edit: Oh man, Grey's Anatomy is going to be the death of me. Such a good episode tonight. I'm so sad it's going to end next week.