Wednesday, September 13, 2006

that thing you do!


Sorry for the lack of updates. My bad.

Frosh week was unreal. I think the leaders had more fun that the froshers. Haha. It was good times. And you know how I was excited for school? Well I'm not anymore. I hate it. I'm like 3 chapters behind in Biology, on top of that the prof is new (and not even a real prof. I may add - she's just a grad student with her masters). The original prof is in rehab for alcoholism according to the campus gossip, so the new chick has no idea what she's doing. Class today was 30 minutes short because she zoomed through the chapter on Mitosis. Ugh. She doesn't even cover the entire chapters. She does a little bit and that's it. And we won't even touch the lab section.

On top of that I showed up late to my physics/astronomy class on Monday. I knew there would be math involved because it was a 2nd year physics course, but since 1st year physics isn't a pre-req I thought I'd be safe. I was wrong. I show up late, and the prof is just flipping through equation after equation on the projector. We know have 2 assignments due for next class. I'm dead meat.

And then I have my English courses.... we won't even go there.

I think it's fine being in one department. If you're in Arts you get used to reading books and writing papers; and, if you're in Sciences then you get used to science-y stuff. But I have come to the conclusion that they're separated for a reason. Having labs to go to, assignments to do and equations to learn and then books to read and responses to write is TOO MUCH. School's been in for 1 week and I'm swamped already. And then you have to factor in work and rehearsals and there just aren't enough hours in the day. Bah. So that, my friends, is why I'm not going out this weekend, and instead I'm camping out in the library.

The only highlights this week contains are Breanna's birthday (which was last night), Grey's Anatomy season 2 on DVD (which you all know I bought the day it came out because I'm obsessed), calling Reese on Thursday, and breakfest at Cora's on Friday with Derek. The highlights aren't bad, but school is an automatic -700 points, so that kills the week. Bah humbug!

Sigh. I know y'all wish you had my glamorous life.

edit// Is it wrong I want one of the new iPods? They're so super cheap as well. I've already justified it mentally. I just wish I could justify it to my wallet. Sigh...