So I'll be back on PEI in 1 week's time. Huzzah! I'm pretty stoked to be going home for a visit. I still don't have any plans worked out yet though, so it appears that the entire trip will consist of me flying by the seat of my pants. Ah well.
I bought a new camera today after my 1 year+ nightmare dealing with my Sony Cybershot DSC-W30. I was undecided between the Canon SD850 IS, the SD870 IS, and the SD890 IS. In the end I decided the SD890 IS was too pricey at $499 since it was just released at the beginning of April, and the SD890 and SD870 had identical features except the SD870 was a wide-angle lens and the SD850 was a regular lens. In the end, I opted for the wide angle one. I got a stellar deal on it, too. It retails for $350 and I got it for $300 give or take a few dollars. Plus, I got it with an extra battery, 2GB memory card and a camera case. The joys of bargain hunting online astound me. I paid through the nose for expedited shipping so hopefully it'll be here in time for my visit home.
I wrote 2 exams on Tuesday - Social Stratification and International Relations. Stratification went awesome, I nailed that thing; my poli sci on the other hand? Uhhh yeah. Let's not discuss that fiasco. I don't write again until the 30th of April when I sit my Health and Illness final.
Plans for the summer include working full time at Moxie's Classic Grill and the occasional Sunday at American Eagle so I can keep my discount intact and discover new bands I've never heard of via the 3 hour -long soundtrack we play on a loop every day. I'm hoping to make lots of money so that I can finally pay off my sister, pay off my credit, and either buy a bike or ditch that plan and buy some ski's for the winter skiing season. No matter what, I want to be able to save up $2500 for no particular reason except to say that I'm able to manage my money enough to be able to save some. We'll see how well this plan goes.