So I got back to Prince Edward Island last Thursday. So far the trip has been okay - the past few days have definitely been better than the first few. The weather, the airport arrival, the lack of communication from people, and my camera breaking were all pretty shitty and dampened by mood considerably. The past few days have been nothing but better though. Seeing people, filling up my agenda with plans, and beautiful 18 degree weather has definitely lifted my spirits. Of course there are a few people that aren't on the island at the moment (Diana, Whitney and Alex all instantly come to mind), but there are more people here than not, and of course you can't rule out visits from Charlie, whom I like to think picked this time of the year because I was going to be around (ahem...). Hahahahaha.
It's been nice, overall. I left the Island and I already knew that I was going to be back the following year, either when exams finished or for Canada day. Now? I honestly don't know when I'll be back again, if ever, so I want to make this trip worth it. Really worth it. We'll see how it turns out.
You always love me more, miles away
I hear it in your voice, we're miles away
You're not afraid to tell me, miles away
I guess we're at our best when we're miles away