Sunday, January 02, 2011

pumped up kicks.

2011 is well under way. It's a shame. I kind of liked 2010. I got to graduate, I bought a car, I went on vacation, went to a bunch of concerts, and probably did other stuff I can't remember. I'm expecting to upgrade my gadgets in 2011, including an iPad, the new iPhone, and if things work out in my favour, a new Mac. I'm not holding my breath for that one just yet though.

Anyway, new years resolutions abound this time of year, so who am I to not follow the societal norm?

1. Finish my magazines on time. I subscribe to 2 magazines and I never get around to reading them until I'm 3 or 4 issues deep for both of them. Yikes.

2. Clean my room more often. I don't think I do it enough.

3. Try different booze. I tend to stick with what I know. I should branch out more often.

4. Visit different websites. I tend to visit the same 3 over and over again. More surfing, more discovering!

5. Try different personal products. I always use the same deodorant, body lotion, shampoo / conditioner, shaving gel, etc. WHY CAN'T I TRY NEW THINGS?! I see a pattern developing here....