Friday, January 13, 2006

in between dreams.

This is my workload:

English 195 - Intro to Dramatic Lit:
-Read the book "Everyman"
-Do 5 questions on the movie Oedipus Rex viewed in class
-Due: Thursday

English 192 - Intro to Lit:
-Read the two memoirs assigned for last class.
-Read graphic novel
-Write up personal memoir proposal
-Come up with memoir to write about
-Write first draft of memoir due for the class after next
-Due: Tuesday and then Thursday

Theatre 344 - Advanced Theatre Studies:
-Read the play "Criminal Minds"
-Argue with Colin over who gets to play whom in "Criminal Minds"
-Read the book "The Empty Space"
-Type up 3 page critique of the film "The Reckoning"
-Find out what "The Reckoning" is about
-Write journal entries assigned thus far
-Due: Wednesday

Religious Studies 102 - Religions of the East:
-Read the chapters on Hinduism that were assigned for last week
-Read the chapter on Hinduism assigned for next class
-Write notes based on readings
-Due: Tuesday

Philosophy 111 - Critical Thinking:
-Read the two chapters assigned for last week
-Read chapter assigned for next class
-Do assignment
-Due: Monday


-Memorize the script for "7 Stories"
-Email: Reese, Jon, Angus, Sharon and Kate
-Fill out hours sheet
-Due: Tuesday