Wednesday, July 19, 2006

andy, you're a star.

Life truly is a bitch, isn't? I know I said that I love having drama in my life, but I take it all back! I don't want it anymore.

A month ago, heck, even a week or so ago, everything was coming along just great. My mother was making final preparations for moving away to Calgary, and I was finalizing moving into my own place for the year. I was working 10 hours a day at a job that I enjoyed and that actually paid me quite handsomely. Everything was coming along just great.

Of course, when things seem to be going fine, that's when they fuck up beyond belief, right? Well, this is the part of the story where that happens. Saturday at 12:30 pm I get a phone call. Long story short, it's the husband of my boss, aka the lady who owns my basement apartment (whom, I may add, I have nothing to do with - she owns everything). He says that "something happened" and that I can't move in anymore. Shit. Yeah, my mom leaves on the 25th, kind of short notice isn't it? Well, we manage to pull some strings and I have a place to stay now. It's quite shady, so now I have to try and find some roommates to move in with.

When I thought things could only get better, today my boss decides to lay an egg on me. She tells me that we're down 15 or so kids, and that myself and another coworker of mine are being laid off. She says that she'll keep me until I get another job, and that if I need to I can get EI. But then she tacks on that maybe I can go to Calgary with my mom. Uhh, last time I checked, you don't pack up and move in 6 days, throwing aside all plans for the academic school year! Not to mention that it's just a tad late to be deciding what to do with the car I'll have next year, to get an airplane ticket refunded, to apply to another school and transfer credits, plus to pack up all your stuff and move it across the country. Ugh. She said she's friends with the GM at Sears, and that he can get me full time job. Yeah, I've heard nothing but horror stories about that place, and I sure as hell am not going back to a call centre. So now I'm frantically trying to find another job. Oy vey. So basically, the woman single handily destroyed my upcoming year by eliminating my place to live, and then removing my source of income.

Oh, and don't even get my started on The Tempest. Being thrown into something at the last minute, on top of personal drama, is always a party.

Now, if you excuse me, I have to go say goodbye to my sanity.